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Seto's POV

"Ready Sky? I set up the equipment so we can see her dream. To her, this is really happening. She won't be able to tell the difference between the coma world and us. We cannot do anything in her dreams. If she dies in the dreams, we lost her ok Sky? But we mustn't interfere. These are her memories. They cannot be altered without risking complete removal from time."

"So what do we do?"

"We watch." I turned to the screen. "And pray."

Lily's voice and thoughts came over the speakers.

"We are able to hear what she says, what other say, and what she is thinking about." I explained.

Lily's POV

I don't know where I am. I don't know where I'm going or where I've been. I was born as a Devil. But the Devil's job is over now. I am the impossible girl, and my journey is over. A man keeps me going while another holds me back. Notch hold me back. I don't understand. Isn't he supposed to be the one helping me? Another man, with empty eyes smiles at me. What is Herobrine doing helping me? Should I go back or continue. Which of them will help me?

Notch turnes away and Herobrine runs to me. I recoil and thankfully an invisible wall hold him back. He opens his mouth to yell but only a whisper comes out.

"Open! Let me through Lily! My flower let me come to you?"

"NO!" I shouted. "What do you want with me? Why are you here?" I turn around and Notch has come back. He holds a black dress out to me. The fabric is heavy and empty. He also has in his hand a veil. A mourning veil.

"Who are we mourning Notch?"

"That man over there. He is dying soon." As if on cue, a pit opens beneath him and Herobrine is sucked into the Void. Notch smiles. The dress is on the ground and instead he holds my usual clothes. Jacket, jeans, t-shirt, boots. I make a mental wall so he cannot see me change. The wall drops when I'm done. He holds out an iron chestplate and a small kit with food and water purification packet.

Why are you here Notch? 

*I am here because I want to wish you goodbye. Where you are going, you will not come back.* He smiled.

So? What makes you think I'll not be coming back?

The survival kit and armor is dissolved into ash. Notch's expression turns harder then diamond. *I think we both know the kind of place I am talking about. It is the place all things fear.*

What sort of place is that?

*Lily Torchwood. You have cheated death, you have. Now, I give you a challenge you cannot possibly triumph in. You are not a murderer. You may think you are hard but I could break you easily. This will require you to kill. To hunt people. The weak do not last long here.* Then he turned to something I had not noticed. Behind him was a camera, filming us.

"My people. I give you the Champion of Herobrine, Tribute to the Power Games, Devil of the Prophecy: LILY TORCHWOOD!!"  Glass shot up around me. Glass that refused to break, not matter how many times I hit it.

A man came out of the fog. Not a man no. A hybrid. An EnderBeing. I know this beast. My back pressed against the small space as I sinked to my knees in the small space. This creature took me from my home. On his back was a quiver of the black arrows that killed my mother.

Never shall I forget the day that robbed me of my mother, my father, my home, and my life. Never shall I forget the shadow that fell over me. The look of horror on my father's face. The one thing I have never seen in my father's once triumphant eyes. Fear and defeat. The ability to do nothing.

"Welcome to the first Power Games, Lily Torchwood. You will now be taken to the Training Facility to be prepared for the Games. May the blocks be ever in your favor." A voice came over the loudspeaker. My glass cage shuddered and moved along a track. My mind faded into emptyness as I tried to imagine a world with my parents.


-Yes Lily?-

If you had chosen somewhere else. Someone else, just on a whim. Would anyone have died?


I cried.

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