Cannons in the Night

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Seto's POV

I put my head in my hands. Lily is gone. Lily is gone. We can't protect her. "Sky, she is strong. I'm sure she knows what she is doing."

"THATS NOT THE POINT SETO!!! She hasn't killed people. That's not the girl I raised." Sky said, infuriated.

"Sky. Did you recognize the girl who came to our gates? Face it. Lily has grown up. What is happening to her is rooted in reality. Some may be different but I have a feeling this is what happened after she was taken. And if she won then, she'll win now."

"Does that mean she probably killed people? That she had to kill to win the Games?"


"Can I have some coffee? I think this is going to be a long night and I am not going anywhere."

"Yes sir." I left the room, leaving behind a ruined king.

Lily's POV


I tore across the grass, my legs pumping. I reached the looming black shape and grabbed the closest things. A black backpack and a bow and quiver. Even though I was lightheaded and threatening to pass out from exhaustion, I dare not and set off running away from the Cornucopia. I heard pounding after me and looked over my shoulder to see Vince wielding an axe. He grinned and I ran faster. Black appeared in my eyes. No. I won't die now. But I can't outrun him. Come on Lily run.

Sky's POV

"SETO COME HERE!" I pointed at the screen. Lily's voice was coming through the speakers softly but scared.

Cornucopia. Run run run. Oh god he is still behind me. No. I won't die now. But I can't outrun him. COme on Lily, run faster. RUN!

"She is going to die. No. Please oh Notch no."

Herobrine walked in, obviously hearing her voice. 

I need to go faster. Please Notch. Please let me go faster.

Herobrine growled. "She should know better then to pray to Notch. You can do it come on Lily."

Lily's POV

Pain. I collapsed to my knees as Vince drew in for the kill. Those wolf eyes. I groaned in pain. I felt like something was scraping against my back. I felt feathers on my face. Doves, taking me to heaven. Wait. Not doves. Larger feathers. I opened my eyes and saw Vince, standing bewildered in front of me. He had lowered his axe and his mouth hung slightly open. The entire arena had actually stopped and stared at me. The feathers were the feathers of wings. Huge, grey wings. I flapped them nervously. Wind swept forward. Power. None of the Tributes challenged me. I ran back to the Cornucopia and grabbed a few more supplies : lunchbox, water bottle, and a sword. Then I walked over to Amber and Nya and stood silently infront of them. Maybe I can do something else. I willed my feet to become talons with long claws. Without saying anything, I bent down and picked up their weapons and bags. Then I flew over their heads and picked them up by their feet and carried them off. The other Tributes stood watching as I flew off. Almost immediatly, I heard the sounding of five cannons. Five people died in the bloodbath. Not even an hour into the Games and five people died. 

Five cannons in the night.

Nya was shifting uncomfortably. Amber was fine. "Nya, if you keep up at it, I'll drop you." I growled. She stopped.

"Amber dear, which tree looks best? Want me to let you down in a tree and fly off to find a small water source? Something the others won't be attracted to? If I do, don't let Nya get away." She nodded and I flew down to the canopy of a large oak. I set them on one of the thick branches and flew off, leaving them with a bottle of water and apple each. I circled the tree, looking for water. There. At the roots of the oak was a small spring. Fresh out of the ground. I flew back up to them and before seeing them, I heard them arguing.

"She is a freak. A freak who knows Herobrine more then anyone should!" Nya screamed at Amber.

"So we have to kill her? Look, she is obviously much more powerful then us. She could be a possible ally."

"Not a good enough reason. I say we kill her." Nya growled.

I flew off, tears stinging my cheeks. Freak. I touched my hand to my tears. I can't remember the last time I cried. Ok Lily. You said you had a diamond heart? What happened to that? You have to win. Win and you can be free. Fight. Don't hide. You have hid enough already. I dried my tears and flew back to the Cornucopia, morping as I went.

 I landed on the metal shape, eyes now white and glowing. I roared.

The Tributes saw the angel. Now they shall see a dragon. The dragon of Herobrine.

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