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Tay's POV

I stood on a field of glass. Beneath me was the Void. Notch stood in front of me. Well..he knelt. I took off my veil and stared him in the face.

"You know why you are here Notch?" I glowed with power and rage.

"Yes. You are here to pass your judgment on me aren't you?"

"Yes I am. I, Tay Torchwood, Second Devil of the Void Council hear-by pass my judgment on thee, Notch of the Overworld. You lied. You killed my family. You wrongly imprisoned my sister. I send you my pain. My experiences. Everyone around you shall lie to your face in the worst, most painful way possible. That all your loved ones are killed." 

Notch's eyes widened with fear and I smiled. Too low for Notch to hear, I cursed him and the world dissolved. When Notch woke up, this would just be a dream, but his world would be crashing down around him.

Notch's POV

Fire..smoke.....ash. Me and the others of my army stared at the burning island. The ships sailed north, to the last stronghold that hadn't been destroyed the past week. Everything is falling apart. I placed my head in my hands........Is this revenge Brother? Have you found a way to make me feel sorry? You cannot make me have any feelings for you. One of these days, everything will backfire in your face.......

Everyone! I am soooooo sorry that this story has been inactive and this chapter is derpy but it is important! It's just been school and my social life, then just OIAPGJNOEIROKJTOPMJPOCKOVTIMJGFVLJECRO AND IT SO ASIDIUIXIDCKJMDFMJGPGPTIO and SOPA stuff!!! So I'm sorry, please don't kill me!

Herobrine's Tale: The GameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora