To Court

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Notch knelt before me in chains. I wore a grey gown and upon my head sat a silver crown. Herobrine stood beside me in his usual cyan shirt and purple pants. Notch didn't dare meet my eyes, or his brother's. If he did, all he would find there is rage. I displayed a more calm manner and tried my best not to launch myself at the defeated god. Around us, other lords and kings sat in a semicircle. 

"You all gathered here bare witness to the crimes committed by Notch and you understand the consequences." I turned my grey eyes to the prisoner. "Lord Notch, confess fully and your sentence may be eased. Refuse to do so and I will act on my rage."

Notch tried to stand and two guards stepped forward, pressing him back to his knees. Nodding, the guards left. 

"Lord Notch, will you confess?"

"Never. You can torture me, execute me, deny me freedom, but I will never apologize for what I did! Ladies and Lords, the tyrant woman you see before you is a pawn of Herobrine!"

Herobrine growled and I rested a hand on his shoulder, pleading him to maintain order. He nodded and reluctantly sat down. Before doing so he whispered in my ear, "Do not have mercy, do not have pity or sympathy. Just remember what we fought for and you'll do fine."

I nodded, took a deep breath and a step forward, and stared at Notch. "If the council has no objections," I glanced around the room nervously, "I would like to give Notch a sentence of lifelong and after-life exile, and should he return, death. Aye or nay?"

The lords and kings murmured in agreement, a few nodded. Some outright grinned. Hardly proper but they supported my decision, that's what matters. 

Lord Sky stood and cleared his throat, "Aye!"

As did Lord Fernir, Lady Dernis, Lady and Lord Orphern, Lord Starg, Lord Inris, Lady Renin, King Robert, and many more- almost everyone at the council! 

"If we are all in agreement," I ignored the handful who didn't approve- knights and minor nobles., "Lord Notch- I, Lily Elizebeth Rose Chase Torchwood, hereby banish you from Minecraftia and it's realms. You are not to set foot through this portal ever again. You are not to communicate with any thing or persons in Minecraftia or it's realms. Any claims to land are released from your possession. Any persons or things under your service are released from their duties. And you will be left powerless, mortal."

Herobrine stepped forward with a small glass prism in hand. He muttered a spell and Notch winced and twitched. I can only assume Notch hasn't been mortal in a long time. For the first time, I felt a stab of pity for the man. Look at him.....Look how broken he is. I quickly removed the thought. He got what was always coming to him. Some day, someone would see through his lies. I'm just the unlucky one who chose to act on the truth. And yet lucky that it was me, few would be strong enough to stand to what he has done. 

"Why not just kill me?" Notch wasn't angry, but he wasn't happy either. He looked tired, worn down, like a man who just wanted to be left alone. I wanted that, but he never gave me that honor. 

I turned away, not wanting to answer the question. Herobrine stopped me and I turned back to the broken, tired, defeated man. "Because death, even a slow painful one, would be a mercy to you. And I will not show you mercy." I was surprised at the hardness of my voice, sharp as a flint and colder than ice. Is this what the war and the battles have turned me into? After a while, after so many losses and deaths, you start to not care anymore. How can you when there is nothing left to save? Notch was taken aback but said nothing, just lowered his head. None of the council said anything, some were nervous. I was not harsh, my verdict was fair. Some are scared at how powerful I've become.....

White light from the portal enveloped Notch and he disappeared. Gone, forever. No one spoke, no one moved, no one would meet my eyes. I didn't mind. I don't think I could've met theirs. Could I without crying? No. Never. Never to the ends of Minecraftia. They were all shocked at what I'd done. But they wouldn't challenge me. Would they dare to? All these loyal kings and lords and their wives had all just found out their leader was a lying, scheming, traitorous b*st*rd. And how he was gone.

"Lords, Ladies, Kings, Minecraftia needs a leader. We shall take a vote on who would be most fit for the job."

King Sky stood and said, "I nominate Lily Torchwood as Queen of Minecraftia."

The others of Team Crafted stood and chorused, "We second that nomination."

Gradually, the rest of the council was voicing their vote- for me. I blushed, but didn't smile. Now is not the time for smiling. Later maybe. A single tear rolled down my cheek. No hope, no love, no glory. No happy ending. I'm a queen...... The thought hit me like a train. This is the way Notch left me. He knew how to roll the dice. He knew how to play me. He knew this was the way it would turn out. No wonder he cried. I'm queen, he lost. 

Once the clamor had died down and it was all decided, I nodded in acceptance, and left the room. Herobrine followed uncertainly and I stopped in the gardens. He approached and held my shoulders. 

"Lily, don't cry. We won, its over......its all done."


That was Notch's trail! I hope you liked it and there will be an epilogue, then the story (all of it) Will be FINISHED!! Sorry about that swear earlier but I couldn't think of a more fitting insult for Notch. You guys are all awesome for supporting this series and being amazing! When I get on in the morning to write, I look and I say "Wow." I never thought this would happen and now that it has, I can't describe how much you all mean to me.

Give it a vote, maybe a comment. Never stop being yourself because that is the only way I started this series. I decided to go and be creative. 


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