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Notch's POV

I paced the castle hall. "She's alive, she's alive, she's alive." This played in my head over and over. My plan was supposed to be fail safe. Lily Torchwood can't be alive........but she is. And he will surely come to face me, to tell me that this will all end, one way or another.

Herobrine's POV

I nodded to Lily grimly. "I'm done with Notch hurting us. I won't let it happen anymore." I held her close, sobbing into her flaming hair. "He can't keep doing this. It must end, and we shall end it in the only way we can." I saw fear spark in Lily's eyes as she saw the glittering rage glowing within mine. "Oh yes, it shall end."

Lily's POV

I watched the Herobrine that children were scared about emerge. I realized how so many people were scared of this man. Of her man. "We cannot do this on our own, Herobrine, you understand that? We'll need help." I gazed into his blank eyes and smiled, taking his hand. "Together, or not at all."

Quartz and gold pillars glittered in the setting sun, a pavilion of light on the mountain top. I couldn't imgaine it being home to such a man as Notch, but the world is twisted and mysterious in it's ways. Felling out of place, I stood in a dark grey dress behind Herobrine. He and I were in Notch's Palace, about to issue our terms. I struggled to keep myself from letting out my energy at Notch's smug face. He had no idea what was about to come. 

"Brother Notch. You seem to find it amusing to make me mad at you. You toy with our emotions, threaten us at every step, and lie to the face of your people. And for what?" Herobrine scoffed. "Because you don't think anyone could ever come to love me?" His eyes glowed dangerously bright. "Because we aren't good enough for you?" He yelled. 

I kept my eyes down so that Notch wouldn't see the fear growing in them. 

Notch sat up a bit. "Brother Herobrine, are you trying to challenge me without really doing so? I know your game."

Herobrine grinned. "Then you can see that you are losing."

My turn to be an annoying git. "I haven't seen Tay around here. Did she find out the truth about how you killed our family? Or did she pass her judgment?"

Notch's face turned brighter then a pine tree on Christmas Eve. "Yes." He spat. "The She-Devil passed her judgment." 

I nodded. "Good." The rush of wind filled the room, "Because I think another one is coming now."

As if on que, a beautiful woman with black eyes, pale skin, long blonde hair, and a dress that was cyan blue appeared. But there was a stiffness in her movements and resolute expression that told me she had seen war and conflict. Like three brothers feuding. "Hello Notch, Herobrine." The woman's gaze hardened. "Notch, you know why I am here. I, Devil of Minecraftia, hear-by pass my judgment on you, Lord Notch. May your days be cold and let you know that everything that happens next is your own doing. You caused this, and now everything you worked for shall unravel before your eyes. And know that it is too late for you to stop anything."

Stars swirled around the woman and she dissolved into mist, leaving behind the faint scent of roses. Notch was stunned and Herobrine was grinning. My eyes gleamed with triumph. 

"Notch, do you understand now why you cannot possibly win this?"

Notch shook off his shock. "Win what?" He hissed at me. 

"In the name of Herobrine, I declare war on you, Lord Notch." I whirled around and stalked off through the portal into the Overworld.

The portal left me on a desolate mountaintop. I sighed and then the events that had just occurred really set in. I just declared war on Notch. The Notch. What the hell was I thinking? I am making up for all the times that Notch hurt me and Herobrine. Every time, all of it, to the best I can. This thought filled me with a bubbly, insane happiness. I smiled and my eyes glowed white. Energy flowed through me and clouds gathered. I could feel the power, the insane pleasure. Is this what Herobrine feels every time he has his fun? I let lose all the power like a cork from a bottle, scaring the fabric of the sky with lightning. Rumbling thunder surrounded me and the flashes created a web of light. My eyes gleamed brighter then ever before.

I screamed aloud, making my emotions known to whoever may have been close or was watching the mountain. Never had I thought two words could give me such pleasure:

"TO WAR!" 

Guys- again, please forgive me for it being so so so so so so so long. I do have some good/bad news. Three more chapters to the end. End end. Not another book, the series will be coming to an end. I started another book for you, Seto: Not Alone, and I am doing that Frozen book if you wanna read some more of my stuff. Last Dying Star will be updated next and possibly the Huntlord.


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