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Lily's POV

I brought my horse to a slow canter as the Plains of EagleCry spread out before me. We had been monitoring this area for a few days before today and the forest around had been getting steadily greyer. It seemed that all the life had retreated, running from what was about to happen. Herobrine rode next to me on a horse made of shadow that he affectionately called Dauntless. I was riding Sherlock and we both were in white armor. I wanted to remind Notch that he ruined my wedding day. Using his magic, Herobrine had grown John into a car-sized beast with armoured fur. But he still barked like a puppy which I thought was cute. The members of the CreepyPastas who weren't imprisoned rode a few feet back. The rest of the army was Wielders.

Across the field, countless angels hovered at the edges of the forest. Mixed in were Minecraftians who were still believing in their leader and closing their eyes to his cruelty, Standing right in front of them were Notch and Steve.

I shook off the feeling I'd had all morning. I asked Herobrine about it and he said it was just because I was nervous about battle. Everything he'd taught me was about to come into play. He said that I was much braver and stronger then before and not to let it bother me. I felt....empty. And cold. I shivered in the sun. "Herobrine, how shall we go about this?"

Herobrine's white eyes turned to me. "We shall end it and make sure we come out on top. No mercy."

I nodded and spied an eagle perched on a dead oak tree. Eagles are symbol of victory and bravery. But who would be the victor of this? I crackled with electricity and called clouds to hover around me. Herobrine was enveloped in fire, giving off a heat hotter then the Nether. I unsheathed my sword and walked onto the battle field. Notch and Steve came forward. I looked behind to see Herobrine following me. I smiled. We would've held hands but the amount of power running through me, I didn't want to hurt him. In front of us, Notch and Steve stood, grim-faced, in the center.

I narrowed my eyes and hissed at him. "I do not fear death."

Notch smiled. "Then you are a fool."

"No." I stated, "Just brave enough to see who the true fools are. I almost feel sorry for those you rule, living without a clue as to what is happening. You lie, over and over. You'll never stop, will you?"

Notch smirked. "Not until Herobrine dies."

"And me along with him?"

"That is a very desirable thought."

Steve raised his sword and glared at Herobrine and I. Notch glowed with power. Herobrine growled and I raised Ender.

Rosetta, I know you don't want to talk to me, since the Maze. I miss you, your insults, your sharp tongue, telling me not to give up. I need your strength and gods help me that I make it out of this. If I don't speak to you again, pray for my soul.

Tears glimmered in my eyes as I said my goodbye to Rosetta. She'd advised me when I was lost and confused at the beginning of all this. I'd say goodbye to more people but, who is left? Herobrine will be by my side, my parents are dead, my sister is gone. Sherlock would be with me for most of the battle, John and Rory- I gave to one of the few friends I have left. The woman at my 'wedding', Holly will look after them.

On the other side of the field, Notch's armor glows white and ours black. How ironic that he would wear a color so pure on a day to be so wrought with despair and loss. If he is the victor, will he count the bodies of the dead? I shivered. Think about such pain only when it comes and not before.

I brought my sword down on Notch's and the impact sent us both backward. That counted as a signal for both armies to advance. Herobrine ducked under the sword of Steve and slashed at his brother's legs. Those two were locked in combat and I with Notch. Notch growled and released the magic he'd been holding this time. I brought up my shield. Soon, others were using magic along with various blades. Arrows crisscrossed the air above the fray and a few arches from either side fell out of the trees from which they'd been hiding. Blood shone on armor and blades, before long the grass was wet with it.

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