Kiss with a Fist

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Mysterious Person's POV

She was so graceful as she leaped from branch to branch under the moon. Her tail waved behind her. The grey wings were folded on her back. Her paws made no sound. She paused at the end of a branch, fluttering her wings nervously. 20 blocks were between her and the next tree. I watched from the ground in awe as she took the plunge. But she was not aiming for the tree. She extended her wings and glided to the ground soundlessly. On the forest floor, she was human now. And she was staring into the bushes where I was hiding. Her eyes glowed purple and I smiled. She must be like Seto. She must be with Notch then. What a relief. She's on my side. Our side. Then her eyes turned white. Not light grey. Soulless white that made me shiver. Not our side. She is a Brine. A Wielder. Daffier of Notch. An enemy.

"Come out. I know you are there."

I stiffened. She found me. I don't really want to kill her.

Lily's POV

I could feel the heat of his fear in the leaves. 


"No. You're one of them." I flinched at the insult.

"So WHAT if I am? What is that to you?"

He stepped out of the bushes and smiled. He wore a dark green hoodie and black jeans. Blue eyes, sandy blond hair and the face that is sweet and laughs alot. He had no weapon but had an air of power, like he didn't need one.

Mysterious Person's POV

Her flaming orange hair blowed in the slight breeze. Her eyes were grey/silver and she was in worn jeans and a brown jacket that was a bit too tight around her chest. Her face was kind but beneath the kindness was a face of war and pain. Her lips were deep red and for a second, I was worried it was blood. After that second, I realized it was just lip stick.

Without thinking, I leaned forward.

She didn't hesitate.

We kissed.

Full, warm kiss.

Maybe Brines aren't so bad after all.

Then pain tore through me like fire.

Lily's POV

I felt bad about kissing him but it was so nice. But I felt guilty about what happened next. What always happens next. 

He slumped to the ground in agony. He didn't cry out though. He just curled into a ball of pain on the leaves. Poison lipstick. It always happens this way. I felt horrid that I was killing him. But this is the Power Games and only one person gets out alive. Twenty - four go in and one comes out. One has to learn the art of deseption if one is to survive. If you don't learn those skills fast enough, you are cut off as a weaker person who cannot fend for yourself. Do you want to know what the worst part was for me? The worst part.

I didn't even know his name.

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