day 8

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mark was lost. lost in his own world of stars and songs, colourful but also dark colours paintings his mind with numerous scenarios.

he fucked, bad. the whimper at the end of the call said it all. jack was hurt, and he never bothered to notice the lone tears, the bruises from abuse, the dark demeanour, and most of all:

how he he lost his 'jack-iness'.

the jack he knew was happy, bubbly, energetic, and was his goddamn light in the dark abyss of humanity. this jack was drowning and silently screaming over the roar of waves to "HELP ME."







"end me."

mark cursed and buried his head into his pillow, tears of anger and outright regret soaked the fabric, staining it with despondency, dejection, cafard, and woe.

his own little mind palace turned into an ocean of emotions, waves high and powerful leaving him small and defenceless, the storm that raged was roaring and yelling "FUCK UP", and horrifying monsters with gnashing teeth snarling "YOU JUST WATCHED."






"M U R D E R E R."

mark screamed.

he screamed till his lungs were set on fire, he screamed till his throat withered and rotted, he screamed till he had nothing left in his system except a regretful heart, flowing blood that he didn't deserve, and tears that told stories of how much mark fucked up and how much he was a fuck up with so, so, so, much regret.

"mark?" a quiet voice broke the eerie silence.

mark perked up, eyes glazed with tears and raw red, meeting eyes that were sympathetic and filled with determination to make him smile again.

"oh hey," mark forced a smile, "what're you doing here?"

"checking up on you...," ethan replied walking in.

"well I'm fine," mark grinned.


"yeah and that Pope isn't Catholic," ethan rolled his eyes. he sat next to mark on the bed and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm here, Amy, Tyler, and Kathryn are too. you can talk to us."

mark twiddled with a loose thread on his tear stained pillow, "thanks."

"wanna talk about it?" ethan asked quietly.

mark, throat dry and itchy from screaming profanities, shook his head. he kept his head down, pissed for showing emotion, but the anger in his heart was covered in something warm and comforting. he jerked upright and sank into the feeling of ethan's arms around him.

ethan pulled away and smiled, "everyone needs a hug sometimes."

mark nodded as a silent agreement and watched as ethan started for the door. just as he was about to leave, he turned around and smiled once again, "remember what i said mark; we really care about you."

and with that, he left.

god what did i deserve to have this? friends and a loving family while all jack has are damaged kisses, broken bones, cracked lips, and heartbreaking affection?

and mark wept again, he wept and wept until the little bit of energy left him, leaving him passed out, dry tear stained cheeks, aching throat, and numb body.


hello again c :

I'm extremely sick atm so I'm sorry if updated take longer than usual. I have a throat infection preventing me from talking and I have choir and singing lessons today so rip me.  not to mention, I have the flu so yAY FOR SICKNESS!!

Although, I'm not going to school for a couple of days so props to illness for that.


damaged kisses; septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now