day 21

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thought the song also fitted with this chapter so...


it was cold, rainy, gloomy.

it didn't fit the way mark was feeling.

he stood by the marble stone, rain pelting his black umbrella as he traced the golden engraving.


it didn't sit well with mark.

when it was the ceremony, he didn't cry like anyone else. he didn't scream for jack to come back. he didn't even bat an eye as they lowered his coffin into the ground forever.


he just stood stoicly as friends and family sobbed and sniffled and screamed and cursed god for taking someone so lovely away from them.

jack was dead. seán was dead. that's all jack ever wanted, and he got it. so why was mark not crying? he almost got his happy ending, but faith was cruel and held no mercy to those who deserve it.

jack deserved it.

mark deserved it.

they both did, but they asked too much and faith was a madman, wanting to see others suffer.

the whole time when they were giving speeches, mark just stared straight ahead, paper clutched tightly in his hands. this wasn't right. it should be him in the box, not jack. it should've been him. maybe both of them. coffin's side by side, hands clasped within each others. 'till death do us part' they say.

death could never part the two. they were meant to be, even if jack was dying, toxicated while mark was throwing hopefulness everywhere.

when it was his turn to speak, he didn't care that he spoke so quietly, that the first row had to lean in to hear him. all that mattered to him was that jack was his last first kiss.

jack's kiss was poison. jack's kiss was the razor to his wrist. jack's kiss was his invite to death.

so, after leaving jack's grave, he went home, slit his wrists, emptied a bottle of pills and downed them with bleach.

it was too late when ethan and tyler burst through the door, seeing mark's dead body being carassed by crimson blood, oh too much blood.

ethan collapsed, tyler wanted to puke, amy came in running, tears rushing down her face, and kathryn trying to stay strong for the lot.

because even though a bruise was like a damaged kiss, the worst kiss of all is when your whole world comes crashing down, and then the next, and then the next.

damaged kisses; septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now