day 10

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kier o'doherty was a fucked up bastard who's only way of communicating was through bruises, alcohol, and sex. he was devoid of happiness, sunny kissed smiles, bountiful laughter, hot coco on a winters day, a cool summer night, colourful fireworks, and most of all, a decent human being.

but when he met jack, all characteristics of happiness imploded and swallowed him whole, leaving as happy as ever. he never felt so joyful, delightful, nor happy. he felt like the the luckiest man alive to claim someone like jack as his.

and all those years that rolled on, colourful fireworks, cool summer nights, hot coco on a winters day, bountiful laughter, sunny kissed smiles, and happiness, slowly turned into violent explosions, annoyingly hot days, a winter storm, low grunts, broken smiles, and violence. he didn't know how much he needed jack and he hated how much jack meant to him.

jack was his cocaine, his booze, his sex toy, his. and he hated that to fucking much, that jack existed.

jack was dangerous. he was the knives stabbing your back, jack was the blades hidden in your medicine cabinet, jack was the alcohol helping you forget, jack was the white powder that helped you move on and let loose, jack was jack and he was fucking dangerous and you should always be on alert. he had the warning sign positioned above his head, the restraint jacket wrapped around him to the point of suffocation, the gag in his mouth to prevent him from screaming, the barbed wire fence surrounding him, but he always managed to lure you in and help him and you never realized how fucked and screwed and broken and destroyed he was until you let him go.

and he will only leave you confused, broken, sad, doleful, lugubrious, shaken, and locked up in his hell hole.

why? because jack mcloughlin was a fucked up man too, with fucked up smiles, fucked up laughter, fucked up wrists, fucked up body, and fucked up life.

maybe that's why kier found such an interest in him. they were the same in some shitty fucked up way, but still the same. when his eyes landed on him, he felt as if he was looking at the reflection. jack felt the same way.

and that's why the hit it off. they needed someone who can relate, and they relied on each other when they shouldn't have because they knew this was dangerous, poison to their brains, gas in their lungs, the fire in their melting heart, and ashes in their veins..

falling in some fucked up love with another fucked up person will only lead to heartbreak, drunken sex (hell maybe even un-consensual ones) tears, damaged kisses, gloomy days, and they will then be the 'norm' and they knew that was bad.

but they didn't care, so here they are, separate rooms, drowning in sorrows of their shitty relationship, thinking what if they had never met, never payed eyes on the other, but they knew it was bound to happen, it was the inevitable of their twisted fate.


hello! I'm back.

I thought I would be gone longer but I guess not. I don't really feel any better, but I miss writing so here I am. I kinda brain puke, where I just jotted down whatever came to mind, so I'm sorry for the run on sentences and the fucked up grammar. There's a lot of the word 'fuck' or 'fucked' in this chapter lmao

oh yes, while I was on break, I started watching anime again, and I just finished bungou stray dogs! I love it so much and now I'm watching Charlotte :D hmu if you want be watched them, or just wanna talk about anime in general lol

lil reminder to eat, drink, take your meds, or sleep bc you need it. you all deserve joy and love, and I really appreciate every single on of you. if you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me here, or on my Instagram @/septictim :))

lots of love and appreciation,

damaged kisses; septiplierΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα