Said it too soon (part 2)

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Present (stupidly kidnapped by the twins)
" hey guys! Can you at least try not to move the car so much? Or I'll puke right here and I believe none of us would be pleased at that and I'm sure as gay I ain't cleaning it, ...although considering the fact you are psyco enough to kidnap beautiful me you'll probably like me puking? Oh my gosh!I'm not judging (I am) but that would be just over the top of my ice cream, couldn't you consider liking I don't know skittles?" Oh my master plan of annoying them to hell! I've been told I have natural talent in this " now you are just delusional" my annoyingly beautiful wolf decides to join my plan yay! And I think it's working! They are stoping! The only reason a kidnapper would stop their kidnapping car would be cause they arrived right? "Or they just stopped at a light" and again! My wolf strikes,I sometimes consider charging him rent for being up there, ...or talking.

But he's mostly right cause it appears they did just stop for a light,---damn that's low--- okay! plan "B" I'll just make them feel bad for how they dared kidnapped their astonishing mate,oh I still haven't told you that right? Oopsy I'll just finish that.

*mysterious music* back to after luka escapes~~~#~~*~~^

So, what do you do when you are hungry,have free time and are currently escaping your so called soul mates? That's creamy right! You summon the rainbow Rangers!!!, I quickly take my phone and dial the number of R.R pink, it rings once and it's answered! " requesting an emergency meeting against the dark unicorns who are currently trying to take over the universe,sir "I solemnly say,Zeke just laughs and says " so you want me to call the boys to go hunt for some straight guys?", oh I just love this guy! He actually learned my godly language! "So you're doing it? I playfully ask "meet us in an hour at our usual" he says and then hungs up, I know he must have had some plans, I mean it's Friday night, but I also know I have him wrapped around my little finger and I will play my cards if I have them, hey don't look at me like that! You gotta use everything you can and I didn't made him fall for me, not that he could help it after all it's...well me! Don't get me wrong though I only use him for clearing my head and have fun I'm a good guy,yes I am, anyways I had to get ready quickly so better stop mumbling.

Skip time? Or place
The music is as loud as ever and the place is still nice but I can't help but feel that no guy is good enough for me, I just don't know what's happening if it was the usual me I would certainly be jumping on everything that moves and screams hot like a rabbit, except women though they are just...scary , I can't handle them *shivers*

"Can't have fun?" Zeke comes and asks me while trying to get away from a bad catch, "yeah, I guess I'm not in the mood" I answer bored, "pfft, Luka...I don't know your last name IS the mood, you just need a lil booster here -hands drink- and now you are good to go!" I finish my drink and I just, I don't know get energy cause next thing I know I'm back in my game and boy am I killing it, I think the drink must have had something strange because I've never feel like this with just one drink, I keep dancing and grinding on any guys near me who's worth it when I'm suddenly pulled away by a pair of hands and I get taken outside in an alley.

I'm still dizzy so I don't really know what's happening but there's three guys in front of me and I think one of them is...Zeke? " hey Zeke what's this about some new game or a dare?" I asked getting a little more clear in the head.

" No man, I just really want you but you just wouldn't let me have you even when I tried buying you, you didn't let me" now don't misunderstand I just didn't want him to become obsessed and weird when I still had some use for him,well guess that went amazing, note the sarcasm,"and you just thought the only way to have was by bringing two hulk guys to take me outside and rape me? Okay fair enough, I'll recognize the effort just be quick finishing your business but after this we're through" I say pointing out my interest in his crime (none). I guess that got him frustrated cause he started to get ready to enter me with no prep,not that I would mine since some of my clients like it that way.

"You're being reckless now, just stupid you try to be the worlds biggest narcissist but you can't respect your body?" My now apparently wise wolf say to me with anger.But I still don't get him how can he still give so much importance after I've practically done this since I can? I guess that's what it means being the only bond I have.

"you should treasure it more since now you have mates" he finishes off before I start remembering him my sex related creed "I just don't have to appreciate my body, that way I can adjust to what the pitcher prefers that way they'll finish their business and so do I without losing anything at all, after all is just body right?" no one will care...not that I want someone to so no harm done to anyone, to me.

"But what about your mates, they obviously care and they will get angry for your sake"strikes a second time my wolf, but still they haven't been next to me more than what 10 minutes? They will get over me. Just as I finish my mind conversation I hear someone screaming and suddenly I'm being hold by two strong arms, and the smell hits me and I recognize my mates,Ryan was beating the crap out of them while growling "mate , MY mate" and I think Zack is comforting me? I mean I think they think I was being raped without my consent * and now you're with a wtf face asking how is it rape if they have your consent dude?* well I didn't want it but didn't have the intention of stopping it,* I get myself so shut it!*  anyways since Ryan was about to kill Zeke I had to step in, bad mistake I should have let him die and I would be off the trunk of a car but I didn't know yet so, "Hey! Guys it's okay it was no big deal just let them go already" I said trying to sound as cool as I can, and they just snapped their heads at me "No big deal?! They almost raped you, are you drugged?" Ryan seemed to begin his rambling so I just blocked him and focused on what Zack had to say," I think you are in shock love, we'll get you home and make you warm and comfy" and I just suddenly got mad at them for thinking they could try to make my perfect live crumble by letting them stay with me and try to get me warm and comfy? What the puff is warm and comfy?

I stood up indignated and responded harshly " I don't need two kids trying to get their way on me, and much less to have them try and comfort me, and just so you know I like it rough, not warm, nice not comfy" it wasn't till I saw their faces that I realized I had made a slight mistake at the end of my glorious speech.

My wolf said " nice done dimwit, now what" as my wolf said that the twins came out of their lust trance caused by my comment and they said at the same time "is that so" before they gently ( not that gently) put me to sleep and I ended up.... Yeah you already know, in the freaking car!

"Admit it" Lect said(the wolfs name)  "what?" I say confused "you were happy that they came for you" he said with a wolfie smile " oh hell no! That's just the years talking man, I wasn't happy at all! I didn't ask them! They probably think I owe them but I don't like them!" I yelled making no sense "whatever makes you feel special buddy" he answers tired and goes " I don't like them, but I guess they did me a unrequited favor so now they're not that bad" I quietly said not sure if Lect heard me. Welp, I guess no more rainbow ranger meetings for me right?

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