Twins to the rescue

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Zack's POV
So far I think we've learned lots about Luka, I believe we could be the greatest pair of stalkers in the world, I mean we are now on the way to meet the first man Luka ever spoke to after he mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, yeah we didn't quite get his origins but hey! His favorite color is red! And that is my favorite color orange and Ryan's favorite black, in a strange combined way that defies logic! We have so much in common right?
I apologize for start talking stupid things when I'm overwhelmed, it's my magnanimous brother who kindly cleared my mind (in just one mighty move!) it's just that I'm really losing it without Luka, I mean I want to meet him! In a normal werewolf way! In just a way....okay I'll shut myself

Ryan's POV
I sometimes think if karma exists it hates me enough to let me know what's going on in my brothers mind, I can't say I have been in perfect shape since Luka was taken from us 3 days ago but I'm definitely not going crazy like my bro here.

So we found the place where Luka works and after some Alexander handling we got the address of some guy named Ron Damon also now as Ol'Rode (pretty stupid if you ask me) who happens to be the motherfucker that made Luka enter that kind of business, don't get me wrong I don't really judge it but a 10 year old? Hell no! That's just ruining him! Now I get all his little trust issues (sorry babe) still we gotta ask him about obsessed customers and that so we can't exactly punish him...yet,I'm still getting rid of that jerk but not before using him.

I pulled over a few houses away just as a precaution and we walk to his front door, and before I can politely kick the door open Zack gets ahead and does it, we then hear the back door being closed and we know he just made a run for it thinking we were cops.

We take no time in catching with an old (40 years or so) surprisingly athletic guy, after he sees us he just stops running and came back standing right in front of us "What the hell do you think you are doing in my property? You stupid teenagers! I tho..." I cut him off since we got no time "shut up you scum, we just need one thing from you and that's all the information you have on Lukas customers" he looks at us in confusion until understanding comes and he seems odd..."so it's about Luka?" He said almost too calm for whet he seemed before, we just nod " where the hell is that guy?! I told him hundreds of times to stop making stalkers but does he listens? No! He doesn't Ron!..." He just goes on and on and I finally snap "Shush it! We just need where the hell is he, and you better be quick or we'll check if we can somehow (we know how) make you suck your own dick!" He completely stops talking and looks at us like we are madmen "So he owes money right? Damn I told him not to go around gambling that stupid brat" he murmurs to himself before looking us straight in the eyes and saying " he probably long gone boys, with one of his rich customers, just give up" Zack seems to be getting impatient and I am no better "which rich customer specifically?" Zack asks " oh that would be psycho Chris Morgan right? Are you new in stalking?" He jokes, and I think he probably has mental problems "just die already you degenerated pedofile" I say making it clearly obvious we knew what he turned Luka into "hey, listen here, he was a boy with nothing and cute, I probably gave him the best job he could hope at that age, cause instead of being raped in the streets suffering, I made him rich by charging them to do the same in a bed, and man was he a gold mine" he said maliciously at us, tragic as it is he somehow appeared in the news the next day as victim of murder which was dismissed cause the forensic said it was a wild animal's doing, poor guy,guess we live in such a dangerous world you don't know what could have happened right? And right in his house too...shame.

Finding Chris Morgan was a piece of cake since he's absurdly rich and famous, we are now finding a way to enter his unnecessary large house with a really necessary security system.
We wanted to call that pack to help out but we can't have them finding about Luka when we ourselves don't know where we are standing when it comes to him.

I just really want him to be safe, please moon goddess , please let our mate be safe (though in my mind I know how bad he could be)
Time skip -same POV
As I said such a big house, we've been running for 20 minutes and we are barely seeing the front door now,for a fact (from a movie) he's gotta be in the basement, so we are heading there first, we get him out, kill Chris, and burn the house! Great plan? I know,it's Zack who came up with that and though I only agree to one of those steps, gotta let my lil brother contribute in the rescue.
Sorry gotta sleep but first thing in the morning I upload part two I'm really tired right now...Night!

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