Just a detour

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Ryan's POV
Luka was such a cutie thinking he could get away from us by mentioning his so called "defects", if he were to be the most hated person in the world I'd
still love him, I think he just doesn't realize that fact yet.

What I didn't expect was him agreeing to come to our pack house! I just know we can't screw this up, and if all goes well our pack will finally have their Luna.

Luka's POV
I'm feeling something I haven't felt in a long long time...I'm nervous, we are in the car and every second I spend rambling to myself is one inch closer to the final game, the final boss or commonly now as...the pack house and it's not because I think I might not fit in, I mean I've said it before I tend to grow on people (that's so no- damn forget it,keep being delusional Luka) AS I was saying Lect that's not my problem, but the fact that I've yet to really experience living with a pack, even though it's just for a short period of trial.

Some things are bound to happen! Like jealous (from my beauty and mates) twins fans, homophobic x person, random bad guy,legend stuff, that kind of things and I'm too impatient for the happily ever after or tragic end to happen! I could get hit by an asteroid or get an incurable disease, heck I could magically flew out the window and die just because of my choice...

But I'm not regretting it obviously, that's my road ninja......okay I admit it, crappy line but still!

And what about my house? And my imaginary dog? I can't let Rico die!

Okay it's not going back on my word, it's just a detour before the actual house right? I've seriously got to stop asking myself questions all the time! And you're not helping voices in my head!

Zack's POV
We were in an awkward silence when Luka decides to break it, "hey,so I was thinking why don't we pass by my house first to collect my things?" He says nervously.

Really?! We were planning to get him all new things but if he'd feel comfortable with his things why not?

"Of course we can sweetie,just give us the address" my brother beats me to it but the point still got through.

"Xxx-xxxxxx-xx" he says happily, maybe he isn't as excited to go to our pack house as we want him to be, since he seems glad we are not going yet, no, that's not right I'm just overthinking it, he just might miss home. Either way I'm not letting him out of my sight a second or more like third time.

Luka's POV

Sweetie? Did he just called me sweetie? Ugh bad memories, "hey be happy they are listening to you" Lect says, right because they are the perfect mates and I don't deserve them, so I should content myself if they actually listen to me?

"no one said that, why must you always go to the negative side of everything " oh well excuse me for being a pessimist Lect, I shall look for the brighter side of things so that when they don't turn out as expected I'd just feel even more depressed " okay what's wrong with you? Why are you being a bigger ass than usual?"

What do you think? He called me sweetie! As in...sweetie!
I don't get it, how can they be so in love with me? What part of me? I'm scared they are making a perfect image of me in their heads and that I'll not live up to it. What if I can't give them back all the love they give me? I'm sooo not ready for a mushy relationship!
This is making me no good, what part of finding your mate(s) is easy? I-i don't think I'm able to give myself entirely to someone.
...at least in the emotional kind of way, (since I don't think too much of my body) what if I get too into them like Charlie?
You know if I love them dangerously? Je okay no-just no.


Wanted to make it longer but would take too much time and I'm late in this...sorry
But I have other stories being baked in secret and I'll put them later

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