Am i cursed?!

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Lect's POV

Now that I have all this time to think (with all of Luka's fans kidnapping) Luka's lack of trust may be somehow, a little...okay half my fault.

Luka's mom to say it, the ultimate narcissist? Yeah I'll go with that, anyway she was the heart of the pack (she was the only one who thought that) though she was popular for her beauty, and her mate only helped her vanity grow so when she had Luka and the kid practically snatched her place the moment he was born (since Luka was way more beautiful than the -----) she lost it , even her mate started getting more interested in the baby than her (unfortunately not in a so fatherly way)

She started abusing him the moment he learned to talk,she would hit him or lock him in dark places for days, she even made up horrible rumors about a fucking 4 year old! Like how he was misbehaved or that he didn't liked the pack and insulted them,so he was alienated and abused on top of it his excuse of a father just wanted to feel him up.

One day he was locked by his mother in the dungeons where they kept the garbage, he was about to have 6 in a few days and he was stuck in a frigging dungeon!

He was really bad so I tried to cheer him up but nothing worked so I decided to tell him about his mate, "Your mate is the one who will always love you,protect you and care for you" I said in hopes of brighten up his mood.
"Sho they'll save me?, no way Lect! Who would love me? According to mommy I'm:trash, hmm ugly, don't deserve to be loved! And...and, ugh I got it on the tip of my tongue!! Oh yeah slut! *whispering* I think they are bad words,Lect!"I almost cried the moment he finished that sentence,this innocent lil boy didn't even now what those meant but still tried to remember them just cause they were the only things the demon he called mom said to him.

"Don't you trust me? Your mates are the ones who'll always be there for you they'll love you lots and take good care of you!" I tried again,"Really Lect? I do trust you but are you sure? That sounds out of a novel" he asked
"Of course! It will be your novel!" He hesitantly reached out his pinky and said almost mumbling"pinky promise they'll save me from here?" I nodded "It's hard to pinky promise being a wolf but I promise" he then gave me the most beautiful smile he made till today and I knew I had mission accomplished.

After the promise he was really cheerful even in that horrible place and wouldn't stop asking about his mate "are we gonna live together?...can we have a dog?!? Oh yeah can I get more than one mate so I won't get lonely?" I swear that child is gonna be the death of me,I took my time responding his questions and went to sleep.

We woke up cause we heard steps coming closer and unexpectedly Luka was at the door with a huge grin on his face like expecting a gift (though he's never got one) I was about to ask him why the sudden enthusiasm but the door opened abruptly revealing the alpha,beta and Luka's mom,she was smiling which was weird and the alpha had a dark expression, I didn't like where this was going.

The beta took Luka roughly and dragged him out of the dungeon and I swear I saw disappointment and extreme sadness in Lukas eyes, but I don't get it ,shouldn't he be scared or angry? Why disappointed?

He was dragged to the front of the house and the alpha spoke " I hereby banish Luka Grey from the Bluemoon pack, he shall be chased out of the territory "

The moment he said those words I was filled with rage,how dare they do this to Luka? Treat him like a s-class criminal? But then I saw the warriors getting ready to shift and chase Luka so I said one word before he took off "run", we run a whole day being chased by warriors before we made it out of the territory.

And that's when he told me "Guess you really can't make pinky promises" and realization washed over me and tried to fix it "N-no Luka I.." He look right into my eyes and with a poker face he said " It's okay Lect, I'll follow after mum and just love myself,I don't need promises anymore,I...don't need mates...anymore"

Lukas POV

Oh my god world! What have I done to deserve this?! (You definitely don't have to answer that or better,don't answer that) I've just realized... A series of bad things just happened to me in what two days tops? Or one? I'm bad with dates...

I'm here being abused by some FREAKING PERV! I hope he didn't HEARD ME (I'd really like it if he did) and for what? My job? Even mates are better than sex with no money involved...I did not just said that.

And my heart problems are getting worse! Every time I sort of think of my mates it hurts!(and I hate to admit they are all I think off...not) I know they put me under some kind of stress.

I hate them and why aren't they coming ? DON'T get me wrong I just think if you promise the world to a stranger you just don't abandon them at the mercy of a psyco right?
So yes I'm waiting for them...kinda but why does it feels so familiar?
Waiting I mean

L.O.V.E? Is it something you eat?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt