
690 12 1

February 10th,2017

As I walk through those doors I'm reminded by the depths of last years...popular boy

I open my locker and was about to get my books out until the schools pretty boy came at me knocking my textbooks and phone out my hands. I get up an start picking my stuff up until a strong arm is on my lower back and pretty eyes Hayes is giving a hand while staring into my soul with those glowing eyes.

When he finished helping me he smiled and continued on his way to enemy...and sister....Malo

I just stare at the way he embraces her wanting it to be the other cilia sister getting all that lovin from pretty eyes Hayes.

I walk to my next class with all eyes on me as I realize I'm late and rush to the back of the class and sit into my seat next to Hayes and my bestfriend Amanda.

"Hey Mimi, why were u late?"Amanda said poppin her gum
"I dropped my books and I um took a long time picking them up"I said feeling eyes burning into the side of my face

I look to the left of me and Hayes was biting his lip looking at me.I turned back around and pulled out my phone texting Amanda so Hayes wouldn't hear me.

A=Amanda M=Milo
M:Mandy...Hayes was just biting his lip and looking at me!!!🤔😊
A: ooh girl u better look at his😂
I look at his lap and see he has a hugeeeee one sticking up making me chuckle
M: That can't be from me...I mean look at me😣
A: Mimi u sexy as hell u better use this to ur advantage 💁🏽
M: I wanna tease him what should I do?🤔
A: imma drop my pencil and ask u to get it k?

I waited for her to do the task and when she did I smirked cuz she threw it perfectly in front of his desk.

"Milo can u get my pencil please?"she said pointing like I ain't see it

"Sure"I said getting up and bending over in front of Hayes with my butt in his face.i picked it up and walked back to my desk giving her pencil to her while smirking and texting her back.

A:your welcome Darling 💁🏽🤗
M: Ty babes look at him😝

We looked over and he was trying to cover it.

The rest of the day went something like me teasing Hayes ,hayes staring at my ass and my sister getting mad and breaking up with long that will last 🙄😒

So the first chapter is short but imma be better I hope now that I'm actually interested ❤️

Unicorns away!🦄☄🍭

Me or herOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora