And we're Out...

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"Aaron , get in the god-dammed picture!" i whined, pulling Aaron by the waist closer to me and flashing a quick smile before i turned to frown at him with my hands on my hips. "Aaron , if you don't start looking happy, I won't fuck you for a week."

           "Babe, why the hell do we need so many pictures?" He whined back, mocking me yet smirking at your touch.

           "Aaron, Your graduating! Can't you at least pretend to be happy?" We were finally finished with High school , and i had House shopped with Aaron over the weekend. we had all been staying in a small Condo in the middle of Beverly hills And when i say small,i mean small. Sammy, Aaron , Carter , Amanda , Derek, Lily , Skate, Matt, Cameron , Mahogany , Blake , Ariel, and I . Thirteen people, all in a five bedroom Condominium.


We all might not have much in common, but you were all one big family that was there for Sam. It hadn't been easy for him to complete his education.Mr. Wilkinson was always pushing his Son to join the family hunting business.

Or almost a part of it. In less than a year, I would officially become Milo Carpenter . Then, just a few months after that, Amanda and Sammy would be tying the knot as well. The Carpenter family was so welcoming, and it overwhelmed you both.

But everyone gets a bit cranky when it's a hundred degrees and you're in formal attire, especially my groom-to-be Aaron .

So, after a few more pictures, i had an idea. Sam was definitely one of the last ones to walk, so i figured there was at least an hour of down time.

"Aaron," i whispered, standing on my tiptoes and whispering in his ear. "I left my phone in your car."

"I can go get it, babe. Just stay here." He replied, most likely trying to sneak away and get drunk.

i grabbed his wrist. "You don't know where I left it... I should come with you." I nearly giggled, anticipation building in the pit of my stomach.

"Alright..." he sighed, holding out his hand to help me up the stairs and using the other to wipe the sweat off of his handsome face.

When i finally got to the parking lot, he unlocked his Impala to let me in. Crawling in the back, i pretended to look around for a second before asking for help.

"Aaron , I can't reach it. Can you help me?" I complained, luring him into the backseat of the car. He let out an audible sigh, but climbed in the backseat next to me. He scooted in closer to me , trying to find my cell, but i grabbed his tie and pulled him on top of me.

"Babe, what the hell?" Aaron asked, his lips inches away from mine.

           "Shhh," i put my finger to his lips and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. All at once he realized that i had tricked him into coming out to his car, and i saw the same smirk that i know so well play out across his lips.

           I sat up for a moment to unzip my dress and shut the door. Extremely efficiently, as if he had done it a thousand times, Aaron pulled my dress down the rest of the way. All that was left on me now was my bra and panties, which Aaron took care of  quickly. Soon enough i was completely naked and my hot center was dripping wet. Aaron pressed his soft lips to my neck, leaving marks as he moved down.

           "I needed to get away..." i whispered into Aaron's ear, knowing exactly what his response would be.

           With his lips still against my neck he groaned, "Me too, babe."

           "Fuuck Aaron," i moaned. An expert lover, he moved down to my slit and gently dragged his tongue through my folds. i tangled my hands into Aaron's hair, needing something to grip onto as i felt Myself reach the edge. He stuck two fingers inside of me twisting and turning them to hit my sweet spot just right.

           Before i felt release, though, i felt emptiness as Aaron pulled his fingers out of me. He crawled up to face me, leaving me desperate for friction.

           "You taste amazing, Milo." He whispered in my ear, moving his lips to kiss me as he aligned himself up with me, he slowly and deliberately slid in.

           After giving me a moment to adjust to his size, he started moving faster and faster, harder and harder. The car was a sweaty mess of limbs and sweat and groans... both of us equally close to orgasm.

           "Baby, come for me." Aaron whispered gruffly into my ear. With that i felt myself come undone, pressing my eyes shut and feeling Aaron shoot into me. i felt his calloused fingers press my chin up to meet his lips and i gave in.

           With one last groan, Aaron collapsed on top of me, his semi-hard member still pressing against my walls.

           "I like graduations a helluva lot more now." Aaron thought aloud.

           Laughing,i pressed my lips to his shoulder and buried my head into his neck. "Me too. But we need to get back, Winchester." i sat up slightly to look at the clock. "What time—SHIT!!"

           Aaron sat up and looked at the clock, realizing that we had been gone for almost fifty minutes. He pulled on his boxers and pants as i shrugged into my dress, abandoning my panties. Aaron smirked at me as he buttoned up his shirt. i stepped into my heels and out of the car, noticing that the windows were fogged. Aaron stepped out of the car behind me and gave my ass a firm smack.

           "Oi! Hands to yourself, babe!" i smirked.

           "Let's do this again sometime."

           "Sounds great to me, but you need to bust that sexy ass of yours to get back to our seats before people start to... suspect something."

           "We're about an hour late to avoid suspicion." Aaron retorted, pressing me against the car and leaning in for one last kiss.

           Pushing him off of me, i started to speed walk towards the stands with Aaron following close behind.


           When i slid back into my seat in the stands next to Amanda , she smiled warmly at me and pointed to the program like nothing was wrong.

           "They're on T. Should be about fifteen more minutes before Sam walks. Find your phone?"

           Blushing deeply, i realized that i left my phone in the car. "Shit." i muttered under my breath.

           "Yep! Got it right here."Aaron jumped in, pulling my phone out of his pocket. "I had to pick the lock—I left the keys in the cup holder."

           Shaking My head, i handed my phone to Jess. "Take a picture of us?"

I pulled Aaron by his waist into the picture and felt him smile.

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