I got plans

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Two Days Later



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Derek_Luh: My beautiful Wife thooo

Love.Mimi: We're not married yet Derek

SkateMaloley: U got burned D, Hella steamy

Love.Mimi : im officially gone


I have a plannnn and i had to get everybody involved so i texted the gc...


Guys i have a plan,

SamTheFuckboi: A Plan to do what,

Sk8 : Propose to your best friend dumb ass

Stass: Whats the plan?

Derek :

Meet me at the grove in hour bring her brother Sammy!!

1 hour later (Spongebob guy voice)


I arrive at the grove and get a seat. Stassie ,Sammy,and Matt walk in first then Sk8 with This random girl.

"Wth Skate who the hell is this" i say gesturing towards the girl annoyed

"His girlfriend back off he's mine" She says trying to get in my face

"Listen 1) im Straight, in relationship and even if i was not straight and inlove with my soon to be wife, i still wouldn't want Nate ova here, 2) imma need you to go since this is a private discussion, Skate get your 'girlfriend' and go or tell her to leave"i said as politely as i ca putting emphasis on girlfriend.

"Babe u gon let him talk to me like this, ugh lets go" she said walking out but nate didnt follow he sat down

"Ugh fuck u i only wanted the money," she said walking out

"Ok, so back to the point... she said she wanted to go to the beach tomorrow so im gonna need You stass to watch Mia and bring her when i tell u to holding up the sign ok?"

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