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"Hey, Berlin!!!", Bambam screams when they arrive at the airport.
The flight was long and Youngjae only got one or two hours of sleep.
He rubs his eyes with the back of his hands and follows his members.
A lot of fans came to the airport and screamed in English so they could understand at least a part of what they were saying.
Youngjae screamed back at them with his broken English that he knows his fans love. Actually he was planning to study more of the language as soon as they have a brake.
When they finally got to the hotel the first thing Youngjae does is throw himself onto the bed and and close his eyes.
He's nearly asleep when Jaebum enters the room.
"So everyone found their room", he says while sighing and sitting down on the bed.
Youngjae just mumbles into the pillow and it stays silent afterwards.
"How long do we have free again?", he asks after a while and notices that Jaebum is lying down now top.
"Exactly a week", the older answers.
"What did we plan to do?"
Jaebum let's out a breathy laugh before he answers.
"Weren't you tired just now?"
"No, I was a bit sleepy and now I want to talk."
"But now I'm tired", Jaebum complains.
"I know me too", Jaebum says and makes the older laugh.
"Maybe we could go onto the TV-tower?"
"Sounds nice", Youngjae answers while he slowly drifts off to sleep.
"Or to the Brandenburg Gate", Jaebum says but he knows Youngjae is nearly asleep.
"Let's just make it a fun week before we start filiming", Youngjae mumbles while he puts the blanket over himself.
"Okay", the older answer before he cuddles Youngjae into his arms.
"I love you, you know that?"
"Yeah, I love you too", Youngjae answers and buries his head in Jaebum's chest.
"Good night."
"Good night."

Perfect (2jae) [Wattys2017]Where stories live. Discover now