Episode 11-Making a Deal

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The following takes place between 9:00 A.M and 10:00 A.M.

The Drew girls shot through the water like torpedoes. Nancy was ahead of them, but they were gaining on her. By the time Los Angeles came into view, Sal was right beside her.

"Nancy, think about this," Sal said. "You could be putting everyone in danger."

"I thought about this for hours when I was in the hospital," Nancy grumbled. "I've already made up my mind. I'm going to Jack, with or without you."

A current swept by. It pushed Nancy forward and the others back. Evelyn wobbled from atop Sal's shoulders. She nearly tumbled into the water but Sal corrected her balance before she could fall. 

"We're almost there, Ev," Sal assured. "Just hold on."

They were most certainly not almost there. It took them a significant amount of time to get to the beach. Wave after wave came at them, each one more aggressive than the last. Under normal circumstances, Sal wouldn't have used her voice to manipulate the ocean, but at this point she was too frustrated to care. Low, guttural singing clawed up from her stomach and seized control of the currents. She forced them to carry her and the girls to shore. 

Flopping onto the beach, Sal scanned her surroundings to make there was no one around. Once the coast was clear, she sent Evelyn to find Nancy. She then crawled out of the water, transformed, and went back to help the others. Elizabeth spotted a big rock and suggested they use it as shelter from the harsh sun. Sal agreed and led the march up the beach. 

Sal, Elizabeth, and Destiny slumped against the hard surface of the rock. Not long after that, Evelyn came back with Nancy, who was reluctantly holding her hand. She hadn't wanted to go with Evelyn but she couldn't resist her sweet little face.

"Well, you got me," Nancy griped. "What are you gonna do? Take my wand away again? Use your voice to control me?"

"You know I would never do that," Sal said fiercely, "not even in your most annoying moments."

Nancy didn't have time to think of a sassy reply. Someone was approaching her. Instinctually, she made eye contact with him, and instantly regretted it. There was something in the man's eyes that made her stomach tighten. 

He recognized her. 

"Run!" Nancy shouted, yanking Evelyn with her across the beach. 

Elizabeth and Destiny hoisted Sal from the sand and bolted after Nancy, panic shifting their legs into first gear. The man bounded after them. He had seen Nancy on the news, so he knew she had been "kidnapped" and was trying to help her. Of course, his idea of help was the opposite of Nancy's. Handing her over to the police would make her vulnerable. They would bring her home, where Jackson probably had goblins waiting to take her and the rest of her sisters away.

The ground transitioned from loose sand to hard concrete. People's heads turned as the girls sprinted down Main Street. The man was keeping up with them well and Nancy feared the worst until Sal herded the girls into an alley. 

The five of them pressed their backs against the wall, sucking in their stomachs so they would be as flat as possible. Confused, the man stopped to look around. He was only there for a minute and then he admitted defeat, pulling out his cellphone as he walked away from the concealed girls. Nancy knew he was probably calling the police, but she would deal with that problem later. She and her sisters had avoided immediate danger. That would be enough for now.

"That  was close," Destiny exhaled.

"Too  close," Elizabeth agreed. 

Panting, Sal reached over to snatch Evelyn from Nancy. She gladly gave her up and sunk to her knees. Her injuries may have been gone but she was still weak.

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