Episode 22-Code Red

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The following takes place between 3:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M.

The fluorescent lights of the infirmary gave Chloe a headache. She was itching to get out of there and back to work, but Jaime and Milo had insisted she stay for at least another hour. You need to rest, they said. The cipher can wait, they said.

Bullshit, Chloe thought.

Eight hours. That's how long she had been unconscious for. Those eight hours should have been used to crack the cipher, not wasted in the infirmary. Chloe's anxiety had gotten the best of her again and it was aggravating.

I have to get out of here. I have to figure out what that message means. People's lives could be at stake.

Out of nowhere, Tony Almeida and Jack Bauer barged into the room. Her heart leapt when she saw Jack. 

"Chloe," Jack said. He was tired but glad to see her. "We need your help."

That's all she needed to hear. Chloe was up and out of bed before Tony could ask how she was doing. 

"Do with me what you must." Chloe saluted them. "Chloe O'Brian, reporting for duty."

Tony gave her a small smile.

"This is really important, Chloe," Jack stated. "Aysel Naziri, the mole who was responsible for the explosion yesterday morning, is still alive."

"What?" Chloe blurted. 

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true," Tony asserted. "We've seen the results of the forensics tests from the explosion site and there wasn't a trace of Aysel's DNA anywhere on the premises. She's still out there. We need you to find her before she can hurt more people."

Chloe looked from Tony to Jack. Her mouth twitched at the corners, as if she didn't know what to say.

"Guys... that's impossible," Chloe said.

"I know it sounds that way, but you got to believe us," Jack pleaded. "If you want to see the report, we have it right here--"

"No, you don't understand," Chloe cut in. "I'm not talking about Aysel. I'm talking about the report. It's not possible for you to have it."

"Why not?" Tony asked. 

Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. "Because Erin Driscoll demanded she see it before anyone else."

Jack stiffened. 


"Erin Driscoll," Chloe repeated nervously. "She's one of our superiors from Division--"

"We know who she is," Tony said testily. "When did this happen?"

Fiddling with her hands, Chloe recounted everything Milo and Jaime had told her the last time they visited.

"About three hours ago, Driscoll came sniffing around CTU. She wanted to ask you, Tony, for the forensics report, but you weren't here, so she went down to the hospital to get it herself. As far as I know, she still has it."

Tony and Jack exchanged panicked glances. If Driscoll had the forensics report... what did they have?

"It's a fake," Jack gasped. "Tony, the report we have is forged."

"But why?" Tony muttered. "Who would do this?"

Jack's expression hardened.

"You know who."

Flabbergasted, Chloe watched Jack and Tony run out of the infirmary. She made it to the window just in time to see Jack rushing towards CTU's entrance, Tony right beside him.

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