Episode 17-Some Doors Should Never Be Opened

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The Winchesters' Bunker was dreadfully large. There were many rooms, some that even Sam and Dean hadn't explored. This made it easy to get lost, especially if you were a curious eight-year-old who couldn't keep her nose out of trouble. 

Castiel was in his room, searching for the Archangel Gabriel on Angel Radio, but of course the girls didn't know that. Elizabeth and Destiny were watching Evelyn in the study so Sal could take a nap, and Sam and Dean were out getting breakfast for everyone. That left Nancy alone, which is never a good idea for one reason and one reason only: she couldn't resist the urge to snoop. 

Since the goblin attack, Sal had cut Nancy's grounding short. She gave her wand back so she would be able to defend herself, but she also gave her a warning. If Sal caught Nancy doing anything she wasn't supposed to be doing, like exploring the bunker alone,  her grounding time would be doubled. That's why Nancy made sure to pause beside every room until she figured out which one was Sal's. A tedious process, but worth the while. Humming drifted from underneath the nineteenth door Nancy stopped by. Recognizing Sal's voice, she tiptoed in the opposite direction. 

Nancy released the breath she'd been holding and went on her merry way. The longer she walked, the more fascinated she became. The architecture was plain yet intriguing. The bunker must have been built during the Great Depression. She had no idea who built it or why, but that only added to her need to snoop. There was a mystery here, and Nancy Drew was going to solve it. 

After what felt like ages, Nancy stopped walking. She tried opening every door she came across after Sal's room, but they were all locked. Frustration built up inside her. If she didn't find something interesting soon, she was going to explode. Funny enough, Nancy heard creaking behind her right when she thought this.

A black metal door had opened by itself. Nancy turned around. The creaking of the hinges echoed down the hallway. The space inside was a gaping black hole, begging her to enter. 

Nancy hesitated. She knew whatever lay beyond that door was probably not of light and love. She knew she should just walk away, but something inside her told to go in. A voice that wasn't her own.

Bracing herself, Nancy approached the room and poked her head inside. Now that she was closer, she could see a single yellow light ahead. It illuminated a figure that appeared to be a man. Nancy squinted her eyes to try and get a better look. To her horror, she realized he was chained to a chair. What had Sam and Dean done?

Compassion swept over Nancy. She felt herself step towards the man, but the moment her foot touched the threshold he lifted his head. His eyes glowed in the dark, red and menacing. A terrible grin was etched onto his face.

"Hello, Nancy. Can you come here, please?"

Nancy screamed and ran out of the room. She tried to close the door but it was too heavy for her. Panic clawed at her chest. Something was keeping the door open. Surely, it couldn't be the man? He was tied up! Unless...

Someone came up behind Nancy and pulled her away from the door. He tossed her firmly across the hallway, flinging her against the wall. She slid to the floor, covering her ears to block out the sinister laughter of the tied-up-man. Then the door was slammed shut and the only sound that could be heard were the fastening of bolts. 

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Dean Winchester shouted at Nancy. "Do you have any idea what would have happened to you if I hadn't gotten here in time?"

"N-No," Nancy stuttered as Dean hauled her up from the floor. 

"Well I know exactly what would've happened," Dean growled. "That man was going to trick you into setting him free and then he would've turned you inside out before you could say 'you're welcome.' "

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