Nightmares too, do come true

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"Thank You" Namjoon told the cashier as they headed out of the boutique. He looked over at Yoongi who was leaning heavily on Jin's shoulder. He had almost collapsed into Jin's arms as soon as he had stepped out of the Trial Rooms. And even though Namjoon would never admit, he too was curious, desperate even, to know what had happened.

Yoongi was having a bad day. Firstly, his dream had been bothering him. Which was why he had done something he never thought he would do- look forward for the weekend to end. Being the lazy guy that he was, Yoongi loved the weekends. But this time he wanted the two days to go by quickly because his anxiousness was killing him. Secondly, the thing that had happened back home. Yoongi hated himself for even thinking of trying that trick. And lastly, the thing that shook him, all the way to his heart, was the tall boy with the square smile. He wasn't specifically worried about their meeting, what he was worried about were his feelings. Had he been jealous when the two boys were giggling together? Was that why he had shoved them out of his way (and away from each other) instead of saying 'excuse me' ? And did his heart just race like a marathon runner when their skins came in contact?

Yoongi visibly shook himself to clear away the thoughts. And he swore that even though he would tell Namjoon about what had happened, he would never tell him about how he had felt.

~~ ♦ ~~

Jungkook was fuming. Even his cold Vanilla smoothie couldn't calm him down. On top of that the two boys sitting across from him laughing at some stupid joke weren't making his mood any better. He hated Park Jimin. How could he be so close to his Taehyung?! It was as if he too had a crush- no, nope, never. It was not possible. They both were just really close besties, nothing more. "Chim chim stop~" Taehyung swatted Jimin's hand away that had tried to tickle him. "But Taetae you're too cute when u get tickled~~" Jimin sang still trying to grab onto Taehyung's sides. Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up to hastily walk out of the cafe. Those two can sleep with each other for all i care, Jungkook thought angrily starting to run to his favourite park where he always went when he was upset. That was just because he did care. In fact he cared so much that he felt tears streak down his cheeks as he sat behind his favourite tree, hidden from anyone's view, and cried. Jimin knew, he knew Jungkook liked Taehyung then why? Why would he try to steal him. He had done that the whole week. This weekend when Taehyung had made a cake for him, Jimin had stuck around and eaten half of it. And he knew the cake was supposed to be for Jungkook. Even today when Jungkook had tried to spend time with Tae alone, Jimin had popped up and asked to accompany him. Surely Jungkook did not mind but that did not mean he could stand it when Jimin clung to Taehyung like a leech. And Jimin knew Jungkook did not like anyone touching Tae so easily. Not just that, he had even pulled Taehyung in the Trial Rooms.....right in front of Jungkook! It's not like Jungkook didn't like Jimin. No, in fact he felt Jimin was second closest to him after Taehyung. It was just that when Jimin did these things, completely forgetting that a person around them had a crush on his best friend, Jungkook just couldn't control himself. So now he was here, crying like a baby. C'mon Jungkook, he thought, get a hold of yourself. What are you? A schoolgirl with a rejected crush? He would've laughed but he knew it was true. He was going to get up to leave when a hand pulled him down and buried Jungkook's face in his chest. Jungkook was frantic but only for a second till Taehyung's sweet smell reached his nose. He hugged back and without knowing tears welled up again.

"Are you having a bad day Kookie?" Taehyung whispered. "you know that you can tell me anything don't you? If you were in a bad mood you should've told me, i was so worried when you ran off like that." Jungkook didn't say anything, just snuggled deeper. He loved hugging Taehyung, his lean figure but strong back made him comfy and safe. He loved the way Taehyung's arms encirlcled him and the way his hands stroked his head. He loved the way his long fingers slowly lifted his face up and wiped the tears from his cheeks. He loved the way Taehyung's eyes looked down at him with so much love and care. He loved the way Taehyung's face lit up and his lips formed a smile when Jungkook grinned sheepishly at him.

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