Like A Broken Glass

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Trigger Warning :- Includes self harm, and mild / indirect torture

"Mommy, mommy, is TaeTae lovable?"

"Yes baby, my TaeTae is very lovable. Mommy loves TaeTae."

"Daddy, daddy, is TaeTae lovable?"

"Yes baby, my TaeTae is very lovable. Daddy loves TaeTae."

"Yay! Mommy, daddy, did you know? My kindergarten teachers said the same thing."

The two parents watched lovingly as their lovely little son happily skipped away to go back to playing with his toys.

~~ ♦ ~~

"Mommy, mommy, is TaeTae lovable?"

"Yes baby, my TaeTae is very lovable. Mommy loves TaeTae."

"Daddy, daddy, is TaeTae lovable?"

"Yes baby, my TaeTae is very lovable. Daddy loves TaeTae."

"Yay! Mommy, daddy, did you know? My elementary teachers said the same thing."

The two parents watched lovingly as their lovely little son ran off to go back to finishing his drawing homework.

~~ ♦ ~~

"Mommy, mommy, is TaeTae lovable?"

"Yes baby, my TaeTae is very lovable. Mommy loves TaeTae."

"Daddy, daddy, is TaeTae lovable?"

"Yes baby, my TaeTae is very lovable. Daddy loves TaeTae."

"Oh okay. Mommy, daddy, did you know? My middle school friends ditched me because of that."

The two parents were stunned and stared in shock as their lovely little son slowly crawled back to his room.

~~ ♦ ~~

"Hey mom, am I lovable?"

"Yes baby, you're very lovable. Mommy loves you."

"Hey dad, am I lovable?"

"Yes sweetie, you're very lovable. Daddy loves you."

"Then why is it that you two are the only ones who think that!" Taehyung screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks.

The two parents watched painfully as their lovely little son banged the bathroom door shut right in their faces.

~~ ♦ ~~

"Honey, Taehyung is in his last year of middle school. I think we should tell him."

"We can't ! Didn't you see what he did yesterday? He cut himself ! I can't see our baby handle anymore sorrow."

"But sweetheart we need to prepare him. He can't be so delicate if he is to live with them."

"I can't ! We can't ! He's too pure, too tender, too-" Mrs. Kim chocked and now could no longer hold back her tears. She let her husband comfort her as she sobbed loudly into her hands.

"Hey hey, its ok, its ok. He can do it. I know he can. He knows we love him and would never wish him any wrong. He will know we're doing this for his good. He'll understand."

~~ ♦ ~~

It was Sunday, the day his dad had decided that they needed a family meeting. Taehyung did not want to go to the dining table. He didn't like staying out of his room. Everyone outside that place hated him. Sure his parents might love him but they were the only ones. He didn't care if his parents thought it was ok since they loved him. He wanted everyone else to love him too. Why was being sweet to everyone called being fake? Why was finding happiness in even small things known as trying too hard to get attention? Why was being good to elders known as being a teacher's pet? Why was interacting with everybody known as being a wannabe? Why was naturally looking good taken for having done plastic surgery? Why was him talking in his voice known as overacting or showing off? Did the world really see him with so much hate? Did his parents get to know about what happened in school? Was that why they called for a family meeting? Well, it didn't matter too much anyway. It wasn't as if his parents could hate him, right. They had always loved him which was why he loved them too. He was sure that even if the world abandoned him, his parents won't. Which is why, even though he wasn't comfortable with it, he went to the dining table.

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