I Don't Want to Wake Up

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"Wow" said the manager."Min Yoongi this is. This is just amazing! I never knew you could make music sound so sad. So- heartbreaking" his eyes gleamed when he found the correct words to describe the latest tune Yoongi has written. And sure enough the music was heartbreaking, just like Yoongi's expression. He looked so miserable even the manager felt like hugging him and asking him what was wrong. He tried again, his voice softer this time "Yoongi-ssi your tracks have always been inspiring and energetic but this time its really sad, as if the composer was heartbroken." Yoongi was snapped out of his thoughts by that one word. "So you're not accepting it? Is it that bad?" The manager frantically shook his head "No no, its beautiful. In fact its perfect. We accept it whole heartedly. Its just that it's the first time you've written a tune like this so I was just surprised, that's all." Yoongi narrowed his eyes "So you mean to say that I don't have feelings? That the only thing I can feel are emotions other than misery?! Well, you know what?" Yoongi stood up so fast that the chair he was sittng on tipped backwards, on the verge of falling. His voice had increased in volume and pitch "You can do whatever the hell you want with that track and guess what, I'm taking the week off. So don't bother me with those stupid company requests of yours. I participated in the meeting today so I don't think you're in any position to complain. Goodbye" And with that Yoongi walked out of his manager's room earning him an irritated shout of his name and the sound of the chair finally falling.

Yoongi was not in a good mood. He had finally sorted out his feelings but then the 'Jungkook' guy had confessed his feelings to his soulmate and his soulmate had smiled. SMILED ! Yoongi had turned on his heels and fled as fast as his feet could take him and he had run all the way home. Yoongi was not a weakling and he knew one thing for sure, that he would take his love away from anyone who tried to steal him. The only question was, how? He had thought of plotting something the next day and he had sat down in his balcony to think something up. He was looking up at the sky, sipping coffee when he was reminded of that evening. Just like that time, now too, the sky was tinted in warm shades and the clouds looked like fluffy marshmallows drowning in a bowl of water colours. He was reminded of the way Taehyung looked and his heart hurt. He was reminded of his wide grin and lovely laughter when the younger boy had confessed. He had quickly opened his laptop and had composed a melody, the first thing that had come to his mind and unknowingly it had turned up to be a beautiful one. He didn't even feel like making changes and since he was so tired he had e-mailed it to his manager. The tune was accepted as Yoongi knew it would, but that didn't erase the fact that Taehyung was taken.

"C'mon Yoongi" he said out loud. And it turned out to be a mistake as he almost swallowed the water he was bathing in. Seriously, this was going to be hard work and Yoongi had a feeling, it was not going to end well. The phone rang a while after he had stepped out and put some clothes on and he picked it up only to find a very excited Namjoon and a very drunk Hoseok at very loud place on the other end.

"Yoongi hyung" Namjoon's voice said "C'mere quick, you need to see this." "And where do you think is 'here'?" Yoongi asked irritably. "Oh we aren't far. Just the club two blocks down from your house. You know the usual one, right? So like, me and Hobi were here chilling at a bar and we saw this thing and omg you have to see it too" Namjoon's voice was gaining excitment with every word. "And why do you think I'll spend my precious time to accompany you idiots and see something that wasn't even worth half my time?" Yoongi's voice was annoyed but he was putting on new clothes nonetheless. "Because hyung,"Namjoon almost whispered. "It's related to your dream". And with that the line went dead. Yoongi was shocked and then in a hurry. He sped out of his house and reached the club in no time. The sight he saw there was enough to make his blood boil. Taehyung was there, leaning heavily in the arms of the boy Yoongi had seen at the boutique the other day and there was Jungkook cradling his face in his palms trying to make him talk. Namjoon and a drunk Hoseok were looking at the scene in amusement when Yoongi walked over to them and inquired them about what had happened.

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