When I Saw You

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Trigger warning: includes self harm


"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" Yoongi asked again. He and Taehyung had been on the beach for the past one hour. All the while, Taehyung hadn't even uttered a single word. Yoongi also hadn't seen many reactions on his expressionless face. If Yoongi had counted correctly, he had only seen 3 expressions. Shock/surprise, inquiring and sparkle-eyed. When they had reached, Yoongi had carefully pulled Taehyung out of his backseat and that was the first time since Yoongi had started driving, that Taehyung had removed his hands from hiding his face. He looked surprised looking at their destination. Then he had turned around to look at Yoongi with an unspoken question in his eyes and when Yoongi had nodded, implying that it was ok to go play on the beach, Taehyung had gotten a sparkle in his eyes. He had clapped his hands lightly, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips and run off towards the seashore. Yoongi had followed shortly after buying a few drinks for both of them. Taehyung was already covered from head to toe when Yoongi had taken a seat beside him on the white sand. Yoongi had been silently watching the younger make sandcastles, all feelings hidden behind a blank face. He wondered how someone with so much energy can act like that. When he couldn't take it anymore, he had asked Tae what was wrong. He hadn't even looked up to Yoongi. Well, it wasn't like Yoongi minded, he was quite satisfied with just looking at Taehyung. He liked it when Taehyung's chest rose and fell peacefully with each breathe he took. He liked hearing Taehyung's soft giggle -almost hidden by the sound of the waves- whenever he toppled over his finished castle. He liked Taehyung. Yoongi was pulled out of his thoughts when Taehyung spoke. "Um who are you in the first place?" he asked sheepishly. Yoongi chuckled, out of all thing to forget, he had forgotten introduction. He got up and brushed himself off and extended a hand to Taehyung. "Lets talk while walking by the waves shall we?" he said as Taehyung took his hand and pulled himself up. They headed towards the ocean, getting farther away from the loud city noises. No one was there, that should be obvious seeing that it was almost in the middle of the night. They started scouring the sealine, the salty water tickling against their bare feet. Taehyung hadn't left his hand, as if he was afraid that if he let go, Yoongi would go away. Yoongi curled his fingers around Taehyung's and told him about himself.

"My name is Min Yoongi. I work as a music composer, arranger, rapper and sometimes producer. I'm 23 and live a simple life. I have 2 best friends, Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok. One of them is dating another guy named Kim Seokjin. Why am I telling you about my best friend's life? Don't ask, I just feel like it. I have this situation. I don't get dreams, but when I do, they always come true. No, don't think I can avoid them or something. No matter how hard you try, you can't avoid the future so you can't avoid what is going to happen, so like my dreams just show me what will happen." Yoongi chuckled at Taehyung's disapponted expression. 4 now, Yoongi counted. "I know right, no fun. But anyway. Recently, I saw a dream where I go shopping for clothes and bump into someone and then fall in love with him. Yes, it's a he. And don't think wrong, I'm straight actually." Now it was Taehyung's turn to chuckle. He liked talking to this hyung, even though it wasn't actually a conversation since he wasn't talking. Yoongi saw this and his heart filled with pride. He liked to be the one who could make this boy laugh. "Now if you want, can you tell me a little about yourself?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung nodded and took a deep breathe before speaking.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. I am a college senior and a part time worker at a boutique. I'm 21 and live a hard life. Well, not that hard since I have friends to lean on. I too, have 2 best friends. One younger than me named Jeon Jungkook and one older named Park Jimin. I am not quite as extraordinary like you, but I like singing" Taehyung concluded with a smile. and that smile makes 5, with a bonus of his voice. Taehyung's voice was honey and Yoongi let it fill him up and warm him inside. He had closed his eyes as Taehyung had started talking, letting the music of the ocean waves hitting the shore and Taehyung's soulful voice merge together, blending into his emotions. He felt empty when Taehyung stopped talking. He wanted to hear more of that voice. He slowly opened his eyes to see puppy eyes staring at him. "What?" Yoongi asked a little amused at how the boy in front of him had stared at him, eyes glazed and lips parted. Taehyung shook himself and closed his mouth. "Nothing hyung, just that you look nice with your eyes closed" Yoongi felt blood rushing to his cheeks and he was glad for the dim light by the beach side to hide his blush. "So," he said finally "are you hungry?" A wide grin spread across the younger's face at the mention of food. "Promise you won't regret this hyung?" 6 expressions, Yoongi was still keeping track.

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