Annie x Fem!Reader

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     As (Y/N) walked back into the apartment her and Annie shared, she realized that Annie had fallen asleep on the couch. (She's not really asleep) She looked cold and she didn't have any warmth whatsoever. (Y/N) noticed this. She walked over to a cabinet to grab a blanket for her, when she was greeted by Annie hugging her tightly around the waist, which caused (Y/N) to blush slightly. "I thought you'd fallen asleep Annie...." (Y/N) said a little shocked. "No, I wasn't." Annie stated bluntly. " bad." (Y/N) said a little embarrassed. Annie giggled slightly and grabbed her girlfriends hand and led her to their room. Once in the room, Annie sat down on the bed and invited (Y/N) to sit with her, which (Y/N) gladly accepted the offer and sat down next to Annie. "(Y/N)? If we didn't love each other, would you date someone else?" Annie asked out of no where. (Y/N) was a little shocked at the question, not completely understanding why Annie asked. "N-No, I wouldn't." (Y/N) stated rubbing her arm looking at the ground. Annie smiled and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. A light crimson hue was dusted across (Y/N)'s face. "I love you (Y/N)." Annie said wrapping her arms around (Y/N)'s neck. (Y/N) smiled and hugged Annie back. "I love you too Annie." (Y/N) replied. Eventually, (Y/N) and Annie lied down I each other's embrace and fell asleep, both keeping each other warm.

Hey people! Again, sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't think of anything else to add to this. I might update it in a future chapter but for now I'm just going to leave it as it is. Hope you enjoyed! I'll make more chapters for this series soon!

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