Annie X Male Reader X Mikasa part 1

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(Y/N) is a handsome, charming, funny, nice, intelligent, and skilled 16 year old guy who catches the eye of many females in the trainees group. Yet (Y/N), he didn't know this. The two people who mainly had interest in him were two of the coldest people in the whole group. Annie Leonhardt, and Mikasa Ackerman. Again, (Y/N) wasn't aware of this. Mikasa and Annie would often stare at (Y/N), both not knowing the other liked him too. Mikasa usually didn't want to make eye contact but sometimes she caught herself staring off guard. Annie did the same thing too but she stared more often.

As (Y/N) sat at the table alone, he crossed his arms across the table, resting his head on his arms. He sighed and gritted his teeth. Marco Bot (I don't know if that was right) had recently been found dead. Marco was a close friend to (Y/N), and (Y/N) just wished he could have been there for Marco. (Y/N) sighed as the thoughts and memories replayed over and over again throughout his head. Not even realising it, Mikasa sat down beside (Y/N) to see what was wrong. She glanced at him and then looked back down at the ground. She then looked back at him again. "(Y-Y/N)? What's wrong?" Mikasa asked with a calmed tone and a hint of worry in her voice. (Y/N) glared at Mikasa and then back at the table. (Y/N) sighed and sat up straight again. "Mikasa? You know how sometimes, you care for someone so much? And then things happen, don't want them to....?" (Y/N) asked with a small smile against his face, remembering the last thing Marco said to him. You may not be the best and strongest soldier, but you are the most kind and caring friend anyone could have!     Your smile only got bigger as you remembered everything he's ever done for you. Mikasa sighed and rubbed her arm slightly. "Y-Yes....I have....." she said with a sad tone in her voice. She looked away for a little bit, and then back at you. "Why d-do you ask?" Mikasa asked with a shaky voice. (Y/N) sighed again, holding his hands together. "'s happened recently..." (Y/N) said with a sad tone in his voice as well. Mikasa looked up at (Y/N). "O-Oh...." Mikasa looked back down at the floor, not knowing what to say. (Y/N) looked at Mikasa, trying to figure out how to break the awkward silence. "Hey Mikasa? Do you want to walk around?" Mikasa's head perked up and she looked at (Y/N) blushing a little bit, but it was hidden behind her scarf. "S-Sure!" Mikasa said smiling. (Y/N) grinned a little as he got up, Mikasa doing the same.

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