Chapter 6

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Red! Blood red!

That was all that Dev could see, standing at a few feet away from Arvika who was lost in her own la-la land, again without having an ounce of an idea about her own stained crimson red blood on her hips, completely unaware about her first menstruation cycle which had left a stain. And her crimson red had instigated a sudden feeling of possessiveness, protection in Dev. How could she be so naïve and irresponsible, the sentence had immediately left his mouth when Dev had finally noticed how much dazed she was, busy in looking at nature.

Earlier his mind was occupied with the thoughts of Ashish and the fight which he had with him along with the 'kiss' word which had raised the flow of his adolescent hormone, igniting the fire of desire and passion in him, for his Arvika, his one, and only Arvika.

The girl who ruled his heart, the girl who made him weak as well as strong at the same time, the girl who had enchanted him like a moth to a flame, the girl who was the reason behind the first-time sensation of adulthood that she had made him realized about!

Every teenager boy or girl has some kind of attraction, some deep feelings for the opposite gender, and Dev was no saint. He too had fantasied a lot about many beautiful actresses out there but never had he ever felt like this, being super possessive, obsessive about someone whose minute ache pained him like some big injury to him.

The moment their eyes had first met, Dev sensed an inexplicable connection, a bond so deep that it seemed to defy explanation. It was as if destiny had woven their fates together long before they even knew it. Initially, he dismissed it as mere intuition, unaware of the deep currents of love and affection stirring within him.

However, the sight of her vulnerability last night that tugged at his heartstrings, ignitingn a fierce protectiveness within him and something shifted deep within his soul. In that moment, Dev realized that what he felt for Arvika went beyond fleeting attraction – it was a love that was as unexpected as it was undeniable, blossoming amidst the rawness of her tears. Dev couldn't deny the truth any longer. 

He loved her. 

No glamorous actress or seductive pop star could hold a candle to her. Arvika had a way of touching his heart in ways he never thought possible. She had made him laugh, she had humbled him to apologize, she had even brought tears to his eyes. In her presence, Dev discovered facets of himself he never knew existed, except for the occasional clash – after all, he was no stranger to anger even before she entered his life.

Love often stirs a whirlwind of desires within.

The longing to caress her, her smile a powerhouse of joy in the dullest of days.

The yearning to embrace her, her gaze captivating and holding yours in an enchanting spell.

The craving to be cherished by her, swept away in the depths of affection.

The hunger to kiss her, her lips beckoning, tantalizingly close, tempting to taste.

And amidst it all,  the surging desires of hormonal overshoot of your adulthood!

His love for Arvika was a blazing fire, consuming him from within, yet he dared not express it. She was too young, too innocent to grasp the depth of his affection, the intensity of his longing for her. He yearned to pour out his heart, to confess his burning desire, but he held back, fearing he would only confuse and frighten her. So, he buried his emotions deep within, masking them with a gentle smile whenever she was near, silently cherishing every moment spent in her presence, knowing that someday, when the time was right, he would find the courage to reveal his love. 

But right now, something graver needed his priority. 

Reality crashed in as voices shattered the reverie. Saket emerged, flanked by his cohorts, his gaze meeting Dev's, unaware of the presence of the girl who ignited the previous night's conflict, concealed behind foliage and Dev's protective frame.

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