You fell a sleep at the Mikaelson compound (part 1)

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The Mikaelson's had a dinner at there house. There were more than 50 guests and you were one of them. You first met the Mikaelson a few years ago. You were one of the people Rebekah trusted. One day the Mikaelson's needed a safe house in your city. So Rebekah took them to you. Since then you were friends. Elijah was the person you immediately click with. The rest of the family were also amazing except Klaus. He was always a ass towards you.

After the dinner you were getting tired. You had a 10 hour work day and with the dinner at the Mikaelson's, you didn't have any energy left.

"Rebekah can I go lay down for a second. I'm so tired." You asked

"Of Course Y/N" She says "Come on I will show you a room you can rest." She says. She led you upstairs to one of the bedrooms. "I will see you later" She says to you walking out of the room.

You left the door open and laid in bed. You were so tired. You closed your eyes and felt a sleep.

You walked upstairs. You were getting irritated by the dinner guest were where there manners. Who did they thing they were. It was your house. You promised Elijah you weren't do anything towards the guest so you gone upstairs before it was too late. You pass one of the rooms when you saw Y/N laying on the bed sleeping. She looked so beautiful. You couldn't stop thinking about here ever since you met her a few years ago. You walked in the room, you walked towards the bed. She had a few hairs in front of her closed eyes. With your hand you put them behind her ear. You did this as quiet as possible you didn't want to wake her up. She moved a little bit but didn't open her eyes.

You sat on the edge of the bed just looking at her. What did she do with you? Was the only think what kept coming to your mind. This girl just walks into your life and stays. She never left us like the others did. She stayed. She was there for Rebekah and Elijah when they most needed her and she would be there for you if you let her. You were always trying to keep her away from you. She didn't give up how horrible you made her feel, she was still there. When she saw something was up she always asked if she could help.

"Klaus" You hear a voice say coming from the door. "What are you doing here?" Elijah says.

You stand up from the edge of the bed and you walked towards him.

"Nothing." You said to him making your way out of the room.

"Are you okay brother?" He says.

You look at him and say "I never felt better." giving him a smile. He looked at you. You started walking away to your own room.

You opened your eyes when you started looking towards the door frame.

"Elijah.." You said.

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