Chapter 3: First day at school

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Hey, here l am again. Tell me what you thought about it!! lt means so much to me!!! <3 <3 <3

-In the car by Laura&Vanessa-

Vanessa: I'm so excited to see all those new people. I can't wait to make friends *happy*

Laura: *Lies* Yeah so excited

Vanessa: *noticed Laura wasn't so happy* Whats wrong sis?

Laura: *tells the truth* its just, you know, I'm shy and not hot like you. l don't make friends easily you know that. And I'm just afraid that people bully me because I'm different. *looks down at her feet*

Vanessa: Laura, you're beautiful and amazing. In your own way. People don't know how special you are! And you know me, nobody can hurt you I will take care of that. You don't have to be afraid.

Laura: *smiles a little bit* Thanks sis, you're so sweet.

Vanessa: I'm just telling the Truth. Really Laura, you need don't need to be so shy. Believe in yourself.

Laura: Yeah *doubtful*

Vanessa: *Turns out the motor* We are here. Our new school

Laura&Vanessa are looking at the giant school buildings.

Laura: Wow *speechless*

Vanessa: Its HUGE!

Laura Pov: We arrived at our new school. Its was really big and it didn't look familiar at all. Our last school was a lot smaller.

"Come" Vanessa says and get out the car. l do the same thing. I was so nervous. Even after all the sweet things Vanessa told me in the car.

"I just can't believe we're going to this school" i said while I got my backpack.

I took a deep breath and follow my sister in the school. We had our schedule already. Our parents had did everything so we only needed to go to our class. If we would find it in these huge buildings, that was the question.

My first class was Math. Vanessa's was English. We weren't in the same grade. There were a lot people in the hall. Vanessa had a locker in another place then I did. We said bye. Alone I was even more nervous, if that was possible. I was making my way to my locker and I saw people starring at me. I was the new kid s that wasn't weird. But I hated it. I almost fell three times.

The last time I couldn't stop it and I bumped hard against a blond boy.

"Look where you going geek" he said. His books were all over the floor. He bent down to pick them up. His eyes didn't met mine, and I was happy for that cause I was blushing really bad.

I also bent to help him out. When I did that i slipped and fall hard on my back. Even more emberessing.

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