Chapter 16: Messing with you and you mess up my head.

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY RAURASSOME READERS!!!!

I know this is a short chapter but It's VACATION YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! I hope it will be great!!! Maybe some love, too. That would be awesome... Well I guess you guys don't wanna read this (cause I know it's so boring but) I like to say thank you to all of you (my readers!!) You guys are so so so so RAURASSOME (hahaha made up something, I have no idea somebody else used to say that word before...) Without you there's no way I could make it ;) haha. SO please please if you liked it tell me (comment&vote) That means so so freaking much to me, you have no idea!! And like you maybe noticed I reply&follow back, always.(I really appreciate you guys and for me it's the perfect thing to do to show that!!) so leave your message down there (or send one to my profile) and follow me (if you don't already) And Also say hi, I don't bite ;) (or I didn't have a reason to muhahaha :D)

So that's everything I like to say... I guess the half of you guys fell asleep and I can't even say you don't have a reason to be. I'm sorry. (maybe a thing you need to do is check on moustaches, cause you don't know how much skills I have muhahaha again :P)

Laura POV:

The next day I was hanging out with Ross, it was the first break and we waited outside for Raini. 

"Ross, what's wrong?" I asked, he looked nervous or something. 

Maybe he likes a girl!!

That's not possible... I thought back

You don't know him that good...

He told me he likes me yesterday, he's not gonna like somebody else that soon, right?

You didn't want him. Isn't it normal that he moves on?

I rejected him yesterday. He's not gonna fall in love that soon... He's not kinda boy

You don't know. He dumped Kayla yesterday, he's free girl. He can fall in love as soon as he wants. He don't know you that long. Maybe he just falls fast in love. You know how popular boys are.

Ross is different. He changed.

Are you sure about that?!


Why do you even care?

That question I ask myself too!

Yes, cause I am the same person as you. That's why asked...

For being the same person as me you're really mean!

You just called yourself mean, you know?!

Ugh. Can you just stay quiet I try to focus on my FRIEND Ross.

If you say so...

That's not what I meant when I said quiet.

"... I'm just- Laura are you still there" His beautiful (see I was right you like him as more than a friend. So what?! Why did you reject him? We are not meant to be. I'm not so sure about that. I don't care what you think. From now on I'm just gonna ignore you. It's not that simple you know... LALALALALALALLALALALA-It's not gonna work. I'm-LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA) voice said while he waved his hand in front of me.

"Yup, I'm here. Totally being great. Buddy" I said while I gave him a knock against his shoulder. "Okay..." He said looking strange at me. He probably thought I went nuts.

"So what did you say?' I asked ridicolous...

"Um, you asked me something, remember. I was answering. Did you even hear?" he asked quite annoyed about what I said. "Hum what?!! Of course. I was just messing with you friend" I said, he calmed down a bit. 

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