Chapter 29: No, you really can't fix a broken heart.

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Laura P.O.V:

Did I do a good job by grabbing Ross' hand. I mean I really wanted it but wasn't it too soon? I mean I was kinda confused, Ross made me this whole new person and with him I felt like I was home. Like I was save. He made me feel like I wasn't all broken. He picked up the pieces and was ready to glue my heart back together. But wasn't that too difficult for one person? He didn't even know what happened to me... If he knew would he still be there for me... Would he be the same? Would he still... Love me? Would he hold me hand and tell me everything would turn out fine, even though he knew that wasn't fully true. Because you couldn't really fix a broken heart. You could pick up pieces, try your best to heal it but it would never be the same as before.

"Ross, can I talk to you privitely?" I whisper in Ross' ear. I let go of his hand after giving him a last squeeze. He nods and we stand up. "We'll be right back" I say to Calum and Raini who give us a confused look. We walk in silence for a while till we reach a quiet place which is good for a serious talk.

"Look, I haven't been honest with you." I said while I look at my feet. "I don't have a boyfriend..." He looks shocked. I am not so surprised with that to happen. "W-what? You lied to me?" He looks at me a bit hurt but I can also see a little relieve, maybe because that means he's got a chance with me. Even though I'm not exactly sure that's a good thing.

Ross P.O.V:

I'm so shocked, I can't even. Laura just told me she lied about having a boyfriend! Where did she got that idea! Like that is something to lie about. I mean, why would she make up somthing like that. I couldn't believe she lied to me. I looked in her eyes and I can't hide the fact it upsets me. Even though there is a small part of me that is happy she's free.

"Please let me explain." Laura said with regret in her eyes. I hoped she had a good reason. I didn't know why but for me it was a big deal. What else did she lie about?! "I told you that to... back off." Ouch, that hurt. So she didn't want us to happen. I looked away, even more hurt now. I have tears in my eyes but I hide them. This isn't the right moment to show my weakness. "Look Ross, I know it was wrong! But..." "But what?" I asked a little mad. She looked like she was in a double battle with herself. There was something seriously going on. "I can't..." she said. Tears filled her eyes and she ran away. "You can't?!!!!" I shout to her but she probably didn't hear me. I slammed my hand to a wall. What else did she lie about?! Is our whole 'relation' a lie?! I was so mad!

Laura P.O.V:

I thought I could tell Ross everything. That I was ready to tell him about the past. About my dad and everything that happened before. I was crying really hard and I couldn't see where I was going to. But suddenly I bumped into something very hard. A wall. Ouch that hurt. I felt blood coming out of my nose. Damn it. I hoped it stopped bleeding soon. I heard some people around me worrying but I couldn't concentrate on them. The only thing I could think about was the pain. Not the fysical pain from my nose, but the pain I felt inside. Not only the pain from the past - which I start getting used to - was present but also a new pain. A pain because of what I just lost. The best friend and remedy I could ask for. I lost not only him but also the new person I became. The lost was so strong that right there I collapsed.

A woke up by a voice. A female voice and it sounded familiar. "Laura, Laura can you hear me?!" she sounded worried. I opened my eyes and saw Raini next to me. She held my hand and hold it tight. "Your awake, good! I thought we had to call an ambulance. You were out for a few minutes. I'm so glad you're okay" she hugged me. I felt a little icky but I knew it would be fine soon. "What just happened?" I ask her trying to bring back the last moments before everything went black. "I have no idea. I saw you running into that wall really upset. Your nose was bleeding and you slumped right here. You were crying really hard. Do you remeber what happened? Is it something with Ross because before this all happened you two had a talk" All at sudden it came all back. The pain demanded me twice as hard as before, I didn't know that was possible. "Are you okay? You look really in pain? Do we have to call an ambulance? Laura, please tell me!!" Raini asked really really worried. "I'm fine, I just... I can use some fresh air" I say and I try to stand up but it isn't as simple as I thought it would be. But with Raini's help I stand up and we walk outside.

"Okay now talk to me. Is it Ross did you two fight?" she is really concerned about me. "It's complicated..." I stated. I look away. I don't know if I should tell her or not. She looked at me with those brown eyes which I really trusted so I decided that I had to tell her. She was my friend. Somehow I couldn't tell Ross but with Raini it was different. Maybe because what we had was less complicated she was my girl best friend. One I hadn't have in a long time, but I missed it.

"It is really important that you keep this between us. I mean, it's really hard for me to tell because... I'm still not totally over it and it hurts me. I'm not the happy person you think I am. I'm broken. Someone crashed me and all my dreams and all my future plans." I say and again the tears are running down my cheeks. I looked at Raini and she looks at me really confused. She hugs me and I want to tell her more but somehow I can't... This wasn't right I couldn't tell her the truth right now. She was my best friend but this wasn't the right time. I wasn't ready for that yet!

So I decided to make up a reason for me and Ross to argue. Which is the worst thing I could do. I regretted it the moment I spoke up to her.

Ross P.O.V:

I was running after Laura. At first I wanted to give her some space but I didn't think that was good. I had to know everything NOW! But I couldn't find her. I run passed a hall were a lot of people were standing around something. I figured Laura wouldn't pay attention to that so neither did I. I kept running around without any desitantion, searching her everywhere in the crowd. Untill I took place at a bench outside to calm me down for a bit. A few minutes later I saw Raini and Laura coming outside. They said down at a bench with their backs turned to me. They most likely didn't know I was here.

I was thinking about leaving but I was curious was she going to tell Raini about what happened? If that was true I wanted to know everything. I wanted to have an explanation and it didn't look like I was going to get one from her so the best thing I could do is listen to everything she had to say to Raini. I stapped towards them and hide behind a huge green plant.

 "You were wrong, you know. Wrong about me liking Ross. I never liked him." I heard Laura saying. I felt a hard pain going through my body. This was the worst day ever. Why did she grab my hand when it didn't mean anything for her. "I don't believe you" Raini said shocked. "But it's true. I guess I just wanted to know how it would be like if... Never mind. It's just... Ross is a sweet guy but me and him... that would be so wrong." I didn't understand how could she say it in such a cold way... Like I never meant anything for her... Like what we had was all a lie... Maybe it was...  "I can't believe Ross thought I liked him back... Maybe I haven't been playing it the right way..."

I was listening with open mouth. I know I wasn't suppose to hear this but it made me so mad! I don't know why maybe cause she played with my feelings like a doll or something! I just couldn't believe that! I thought she liked me but that she had a boyfriend but she didn't like me at all she was playing this sick game. Ugh, how could she?! She made me believe we had something!

I rushed in I had to hear the truth. From Laura. "Is it true?!" I asked I had tears in my eyes from anger. Laura was totally shocked to see me. "R-Ross?!"

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