Chapter 15: Friends in love and Lovers as friends

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Ross Pov:

I was still hugging Laura tight. Yeah we were "just friends" but that didn't change my feelings for her. I mean okay maybe Laura didn't feel what I felt for her but that didn't change it for me. I was happy that she wanted to be my friend. It was better than nothing. But there was something bothering me pretty much. She had a boyfriend. Why haven't she told me before. I mean that guy was a lucky guy. But I bet he's a jerk. Or maybe I was just jealous.Maybe because I wanted to be that guy so badly.

"Ross, I really like it that we are friends" Laura says with her voice that sounds like one of an angel. And she was for me. She was the sweetest and most beautiful Angel in the universe. It tore me apart that she wasn't mine. 

"Me too" I said. We kept silence for a while. We both realized we were still hugging so we broke apart. Again silence, but this was an awkward one. Like we didn't know how to act being friends.

"Let's go grab something to eat" I said after a while. She nodded and said:"Yeah"

We got to the canteen and we ordure  some food. When we had it we took a seat on an empty table (the last empty one). Just us two. We didn't say a thing and it was still pretty awkward. I wished it was different. I thought about how I could stop this awkward thing but I didn't know.

A girl with brown hair came to us with her lunch and asked us: "Hi, I'm Raini. Can I sit here?" She was a petite girl with really curly hair. She looked nice but I think she had kinda a temper. I didn't care though.

"Yes, of course." Laura said. I nodded too. Maybe that made us a little less awkward.

"Thank you" she said with a big smile. She took a seat next to us on the head of the table and started to eat. Laura and I did the same. "I wasn't suppose to interrupt something, but my friend is sick and normally I eat with him but now I'm alone, and then I saw you two and you guys seemed friendly, and I was right."

"Thanks and it's No problem, you weren't interrupting at all." Laura said and I nodded again.

"Are you sure cause I don't want to get between a cute couple, like you guys" she said. I smiled, so she thought we were cute.

"Wow, we're not a couple." Laura said immediately. "We're just friends" I said in agreement. 

"Oh, friends" she said but she didn't seemed convinced. "Yup" I said while I took a bite of my sandwich. 

"So, who's that friend you are always with?" Laura asked after a bit awkward silence. "Oh he's so nice. His name is Calum."

"Calum?" I asked with big eyes. It wasn't the Calum who was my best friend when I was little right? That would be weird. I haven't seen him in years. His ginger hair and his eyes would be easily to recognize. He was my best friend a few years ago but since I was popular, which I wasn't anymore now, we grow apart. I kinda was the reason of that. Like I said before I made a lot mistakes, cause I still remember how Calum was the best friend you could ever ask for.

"Yes, do you know him?" she asked because of my question. "Euhm, yeah Kinda" I said but I didn't told her that he was once my best friend. Maybe it was another Calum...

"How?" she asked. Why did she needed to ask me that. I wanted to make sure first that he was the one I thought about. "I euhm, we used to hang out when we were little" I said but I didn't say more about it.

"Cool, I think we could all eat together when he's back" Raini said with a smile. Laura said directly:"Yes, that sounds fun" But I said: "No!"

The two girls looked at me very strangely and I saw I hurted Raini. Oops... Laura stamped my under the table. Actually that hurted pretty much. You wouldn't say a small girl like her had that much strengths.

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