Chapter 14: So We're Friends? We're Friends.

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Laura Pov:

Was he serious? I didn't know.
Was he in love with me? I didn't know.
Was I the one who needed to say something? I didn't know.
Was this weird? Yes, it was.
Was this annoying? Yes, it was.
Did I need to stop asking myself questions? Yes, I needed to stop that.

"Laura, I never met someone like you before and I don't know why but when you're around I feel complete." He said while he looked me in the eyes. He looked so honest. Maybe too honest.
Why didn't I trust him? He wasn't that kinda boy. Or was he? I think I just didn't trust him because of my past and he was popular and what if it wasn't done with his girlfriend...
But why would he lie to me? Maybe this time I needed to trust my heart, again.
Ross was so different then the other guys, he was the one that stole my heart. I could deny It but I didn't want to. Ross had something other boys didn't have. The magic in his eyes made me melt inside. (Hey, that could work for a song. Too bad I didn't had my songbook with me...)
"Laura, you're silence is killing me. Please tell me you like me too" He said inpatient.
"I didn't have a thing a rather will, but are you really serious. I mean look at me. You shouldn't waste your time on a girl like me. I have nothing I can give to you..."

"You can give me everything. Your love is enough to make me happy. Please Laura give me the chance to prove you I Do care about you. I really do. I would like to have a moment to prove you."

"I-I don't know" I said honestly. I mean I would like to give him the chance. But I knew that when he got the chance he could ruin it. 

"Maybe I know something..." I said slowly. I was firing up inside. This could be really hard. Especially cause I didn't want this... But it was the only way to find out he meant it good with me.

"But I'm afraid you're not gonna like it that much" His eyes turned and suddenly he looked like a puppy. Oh, Damn. Why did he made this so hard?!

"Lets say, we're friends." I said. Inside a voice was screaming: No!! No!! You like him and he sure does too. Why would you be friends if you could be more!!!! I tried to avoid that voice. It was heartbreaking, but it was the only way...

"Friends?" He said in a low voice. Like he just had to hear that his pet had died. "Why?"

"Don't get me wrong." Don't say this, don't lie. Said that voice in my head again. But I wasn't gonna change what I was going to say. "I like you a lot Ross, you can make me smile and somehow you really gets me but-"

"but?" he said not understanding where I was going to.

"I think it's the best for us If we just be friends." I said while I looked away. I could barely see the look on his face, but I knew that he didn't looked very happy.

"Don't you feel the same as I do?" he said with a high pitch, but I could say that he was very very hurt by what I had just told him.

"I think not, I mean..." I didn't want to hurt him more but he asked for more information and unfortunately I couldn't give him that. Even though it was kinda through that I didn't want more than a friendship with him. The thought of being together, as a couple, made me smile. And look at that Hot and Handsome guy, which girl didn't want to kiss that?!!

"Ross, Look. I would really like you to have as a friend. Really. I think we could make a great team together. But not as in together together like a couple. I'm not ready for that and besides-" Damn it what should I say. I wanted to give him another reason why not. I wanted to tell him everything, but I was not ready for that yet so I just made up a stupid lie... "I kinda have a boyfriend." Man, how could I just said that to the person I didn't want to lie to. And by the way I was an terrible liar. My mom always called me her open book. And I was. When something happend you directly saw it. But through tough years I learned how to keep the truth hidden. But that didn't mean you couldn't see it when I was lying. Most people just didn't want to see it when someone's hiding something and lucky me: my mother was the same.

"You have a boyfriend? And you didn't tell me?!!" He said looking furious. Damn, I was in trouble. Maybe it was for the best that I told him I lied. But I wasn't that kind off person...

"You didn't ask" I said back. He looked on the same way as a husband does when his wife tells him she's gone  because she met someone else. But It wasn't like that, right? I mean we weren't a couple. And we weren't gonna change that soon. And I am still hoping he wants to be friends with me...

"And Its not like we know each other a long time I mean How long do we know each other?"

"Long enough to have a crush on you" he mutters quiet. I thought he said that at least, but I decided to ignore that. Except my heart didn't really did that, it raised instead and I really tried to do my best to hold down the coners of my lips. Cause I wanted to smile and say I liked him too and that it was all a lie. We could do a bunch of couply stuff like watching romantic movies, eat a pic-nick under the stars...

"So what's his name? Laura what's you're boyfriends name?" he asked while he waved his hand before my eyes. I woke up from my daydream. And Said something completely stupid: "Austin?"

"Austin?" he said doubted wondering whether I did or didn't spoke the truth.

Austin was my first crush, when I was a year of eight I met him. He was sweet, handsome and carefull (He kinds of remembers me of Ross, Like Ross is his brother or he could play the role of Austin in a Tv-show. And maybe I could play Ally - I mean I always liked that name. Austin could be a really good singer and Ally could be the shy songwriter. And the show could call Austin&Ally and there would be two best friend one female for Ally and a guy for Austin. The girl could be rude and sassy and the boy could be really funny and weird with Ginger hair. Yeah maybe this could be a hit series on a channel like Disney channel or something. I'm sure kids would like it)

"Did he go to your last school?" Man that Ross boy asked a lot questions. "Something like that, it's more complicated... But Ross that's not the point. The point is that I like you as a friend. And I hope you'll do too. And that we can be friends? Cause that's all I need right now."

"Okay, fine. But I don't like it that much." he said frowning. At such a moment it was hard for me to pretend I didn't like him.

"Thank you, so we're friends?" I asked with a sweet smile.
"We're friends" He said and he stepped a little closer to me. I abrupt felt panic coming up. What was he doing? Didn't he knew the defenition of friends?

"Ross, What are you-" I started to say but he stopped me.

"Friends can hug, right?" he said with an adorable smile. How could i resist that?

"Right" I said and aswered the smile with a big one.

He stepped closer and pulled me carefully in a hug. First I was a little aloof but then I hugged him with all my love. Cause I knew it was going to be hard to be friends with someone when you have feelings for that person. It was clear that Ross wasn't that kind off person you can forget fast. But all I wished was for us to have a future as friends...

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