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The woods where never something she had considered to be so large and vast. Greens and browns were overwhelming as she had found herself near a mountain side alone for a period of time she wasn't even certain of.

Being so entirely alone, she had no way of counting the days as she often lost count or grew distracted by the agonising pain in her throat that only grew stronger the longer she stayed alone. The hunger was horrendous, it made it entirely too hard to think straight when her mind was burning with absolute pain - her powers making things harder as she continued to walk into things without meaning to as they disappeared from sight without her permission. She was at the stage where she would feed on anything to relieve the pain she felt, unable to stop herself.

Reyna wanted everything to go back to normal, back before the earth was pulled from under her feet, and she was turned into some demon with no self-control and an urge to rip through any form of life for any sense of instant relief. In this life, she had no reason to live and she couldn't even cry about it.

It was a never ending torment that clawed at her heart with each waking moment and she couldn't get rid of it no matter how she tried. She wondered what had happened when she changed - what had changed in her to make her lose all hope.

Walking at a human pace, a cry left her lips at the burn that tore through her throat when she smelt it - the warm iron mixed among the pines was a bitter siren call. It was a primal hunger that drew her forward, the foliage blurring as her body raced in a haze towards what would ease her pain.

She came across a campground - the smoke from a fire swirling in the air as men moved around clearing things up.

Reyna tried to hold herself back - she held her breath as she backed away but the snap of a branch under her foot that had them looking her way caused an inhuman snarl to pass her lips.

"I'm so sorry," she gasped. "I'm so, so sorry."

She lunged forward, fingers curling against one mans shoulder as her teeth ripped into his neck. The others screamed, their footsteps heavy as they ran but she hunted them down - tearing into each of them until their veins bled dry and they collpased in upon themselves.

Reyna couldn't stop herself - sadness shattering what was left of her soul at what she had done, even if it wasn't what she wanted.

She had collected their bodies when she was done, placing them at their camp site where she found them - where she had collapsed after trying, and failing to straighten their bodies.

Tears had welled in her eyes but they never spilled as she curled in on herself, shoulders shaking with sobs.

Riley should have left her be, should have chosen someone else because she didn't want this. - a world where she was so alone and despicable, one where she was meant to be dead but couldn't find out how to do it herself. Her future had been torn apart in front of her eyes, her past erased by the thing she had become, and any part that she had left was going to disappear under her touch of the things she was going to do in the future.

The Cullen's had been different from herself - they had been good, strong and pure. Demons didn't have the golden eyes, they had her haunting red one's that didn't beling in the world. The Cullen's could stand around humans, be with them daily, while Reyna could hardly even look in the direction of one without losing herself.

Looking at the death that she had caused around her, Reyna wondered if her soul could be salvaged after such pain and destruction bloomed from her own hands, if she was even worth the attempt. The campers weren't much older than herself - probably on a trip after finishing a semester at school.

That could have easily been her in the future, been her friends that surrounded a campfire laughing joyfully. She knew that her friends had graduated, she should have been with them, but that was stolen from her as well.

Nothing seemed to be constant in life - not even Bella was constant. The Swan girl must have known what the Cullen's were, must know what she was now. Would her friend be disgusted? She surely hoped she wouldn't, not when she never meant to cause this, be like this.

And the creatures and had ripped apart Riley's army with sharp claws and deadlier teeth - the certainty that they would kill her if given a chance didn't scare her as much as it should have. Giant wolves that could hold their own against an army meant to kill. If they could take her, why shouldn't she let them.

Twilight fell around her, the sky showing pinks and purples - the clouds swollen with water. It was going to rain again, always raining but never truly able to wash away the scent of iron that was stuck beneath her fingers.


Jolted from her thoughts, the girl disappeared in fear. That voice was all too familiar and it scared the newborn to think of what she would do if the girl got to close when she couldn't control herself.

"Bella, don't yell," his smooth voice was too close for her comfort. Edward was never far from Bella's side, she really shouldn't have been surprised.

"Reyna!" Bella shouted, this time louder than before.

She could hear the blood pumping through Bella's veins - mocking her as it beat into her skull mercilessly, the sound screaming out at her. Reyna clawed at the ground, fingers digging into wet earth to keep herself from attacking her friend.

The snap of twigs and branches, the brush of clothing growing louder and as they got closer. The sounds that they created were overwhelming compared to the peace she had experienced for her time spent while hidden among the trees.

Smells slammed into her when they got into range- alerting her that it wasn't only Edward and Bella that had come searching for her but Jasper and three others. One was of their kind - her kind - a female based on the perfume, and two of the creatures from the clearing. She didn't know what they were, like wolves but not - though they did smell like dog, yet it wasn't as unpleasant as it should have been. 

Reyna kind of wished for Alice to be here - the pixie girl having protected her before from Jasper and the things the first time. Alice was always sweeter and happier than the rest of her family, something she admired greatly.

She knew when they could smell the blood that lingered in the air, how their breathing stopped and their graceful feet scuffed on the ground. It caused her to curl tighter in embarrassment- she wanted to be hidden away.

Bella's heart- along with two other steady beats- grew closer, a hiss passed her lips when the wind picked up- carrying the sweet scent closer.

Hands flying to her hair, she tugged and yanked on it in hopes of feeling any sort of pain- something to distract her from the fire in her throat but her body was impervious to pain caused by herself, nothing she did to inflict damage worked.

"Shit," the voice was a sweet um, one that she had not heard very often but the sound of it was easily recognizable as Rosalie Hale. "Edward."

"I know," he told her. "She's still here, her thoughts are everywhere."

A low growl made her shiver- her lips clamped shut as the small group stepped through the trees and into the campsite. Reyna watched as the took it all in- from the mangled bodies to the small puddles of blood.

Their disgust was a blow to her- one creature and one boy looked absolutely appalled and horrified. The boy, with his perfect golden brown skin was worse than the others- and she felt defeated.

"Reyna," Bella whispered, the girl's eyes avoiding the sight. "Are you here? Rey, I am so sorry. I wasn't there, I was late and he took you because I wasn't there."

Looking at her friend, Reyna shimmered into focus taking them by surprise. Their expressions varied as they took her in- ranging from pity to sorrow.

Bella stepped forward, shrugging Edwards hand from her shoulder- tears glistening on her cheeks.

"Help me," Reyna croaked.


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this sucks rip ☺


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