October 31, 2017

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If I'm being completely honest, this holiday was never truly anything special for us. We dressed up, scared people, and went to parties... it was fun, but it was never really something that made those type of amazing memories that you think of randomly and make you smile.

That doesn't mean I'm telling you to stay inside and give out candy (you always did that before we met and I made fun of you for being lame, remember?). I know we usually did couple's costumes, but who's to say you can't get Dinah and do the same? As long as you don't do what I think you're going to do and stay home. Remember when we used to scare the kids on my block every year with Chris and Taylor? Dinah's a major prankster, I'm sure you could come up with something.

Remember in 2015 when we dressed up like deviled eggs and you made me be the devil half because you wanted to "see my hot body in red spandex and horns"? Apparently I was a little too hot in the costume, because I seem to remember you being very handsy at the party we went to, and we ended up breaking into whoever's bedroom and having sex on their bed. That drunk kid came in while you were mid-scream and thought the devil was eating you and ran out yelling. It was amazing. I guess we do have some pretty good memories from this holiday.

You ruined my costume, though. I didn't mind, I ripped yours on accident anyway.

That was like, really good sex.

I'm cutting off there. These letters are staying PG I am not sexting you through a letter while I can't be there to join in the fun.



(P.S. If you ever see that kid, tell him the devil is coming for him.)

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