February 14, 2018

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I know you hate Valentine's Day, and think it's just an excuse for big-time corporations to make money (which you're right about), but hear me out...

This year, instead of doing what I know you hated and getting you flowers (because let's be real, I always got you flowers even if there was no valid holiday to give me a reason), I looked up some facts about Valentine's Day to make you hate it more.

Back in ancient Rome, priests sacrificed goats and dogs and collected their blood. They covered strips of the goat's hide with the blood and slapped women with them. It supposedly meant it would make the woman fertile, but that's a load of bull. And the next day, women put all their names in a giant urn and men chose names of women they'd be paired with for the next year.

It's fucking ridiculous! This entire holiday is built off women being treated like property and the slaughtering of innocent animals! I always used to like it because it gave me an excuse to go over-the-top with gifts, but now? No me gusta!

I still love you a lot and I told Chris to hand-pick you flowers from my mom's garden.



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