The world seems to be collapsing

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Serena kept running regardless of her lungs burning, tears streaming past her face. Ash, ash why did you have to die she thought as she ran through the crumbling streets of what was left of luminous city. She kept running until she stopped at a a banded cafe for a breather. But the images of what Ash's body could look like was too much for her to bear. Serena's face felt to stiff from so much crying that she practically thought she was wearing a mask. " pika pi" this startled Serena she almost forgot about pikachu being on her shoulder, "oh pikachu I'm sorry its ....its.... Just ash I'm so lonely now. Without him I feel scared, alone and helpless." Pikachu looked at Serena with those cute mouse eyes and licked her hand. Serena felt his warmth fill her heart with the sense of hope and that she would get through this. BOOM Serena jumped still with tear stained eyes the top of Luminous tower was crumbling right before her. "OH my GOSH" she thought clemonts gym was being destroyed just like when Team flare years ago tried to take control of zygard with the help of the Luminous tower. But this time they were succeeding at their mission to destroy all of Kalos and the people they thought who were inferior to their new world empire. Serena just realized that she was in front of the tower when pikachu cried out to her to move and run. "Ahhhhhhhhh I've got to get out of here before I get crushed" she ran as fast as she could nearly getting hit by falling debree. Serena ran and jumped as far as she could away from the falling wreckage Luminous tower. When she hit the ground which was awfully painful she looked up and saw the city and its out skirts on fire. She couldn't hold it in any more she began to break down worse than before. Ash dead, gone luminous city on fire and burning in the site of the new leader Lysandra and his evil organization. "The world seems to be collapsing" Serena thought and she could hear the roaring cheers of the Team Flare grunts chanting and shouting their victory. So this was it, the end to the world and life she once knew. The war was over and the First order was in control of the most important key capital in the world. She could she the retreating soldiers of Kalos fleeing and abandoning their posts. Serena started to quickly remember Ash's words to her "Serena you've got to hide and stay safe. Don't get caught or else they will force you to labor in their camps" these words still stung her throat. Not wanting to dishonor her fallen boyfriends request she decided to listen to his advice and go into hidding. "Check the area for survivors" a team flare grunt ordered. "Crap" Serena said softly to herself as she ran the opposite direction from where the voice came from. She ran past so many torn up buildings damaged from the war in the earlier days. So places she used to remember were gone or nearly recognizable, Serena had made sure pikachu was safley on her shoulder before she took off. As she made her way to a hidding place she looked up into the sky and saw the sky was red with a mixture of orange. "The world is collapsing" she thought. Afraid and alone Serena was on her way to being easily killed but she wasn't going to let that happen. She thought about the port at the harbor of luminous city, maybe she could steal a boat and sale off to Alola region she could take refuge and hide for the rest of the days. But then again it was to secure for her to try, the team flare abmins made sure no one left the city while it was under Seige. "If only ash was here" she said to sad to realize where she was going. But what about the Rouths out of the city she could take those and make her way to one of the places where she and the xyz gang use to camp during their younger journey days. Just as she was thinking about her options a voice rang across the city. " good evening my fellow citizens of Flare city as you know the war has been won by the iron fist of the First Order and you all are now under control by the who seek a new fourtane."Serena recognized that voice it belonged to lysandra that evil insane man was giving the defeated people of kalos a speech of mockory to insult their defeat. "We now will reshape the world into a beautiful picture for all pokemon and humans to live one among another so the world will be a better place. No more selfish desires will humans and pokemon alike cause suffering to the innocent folk of world. From this day on with the help of Team Rocket, Galactic, Aqua, Magma and Plasma we will crush any who dare to oppose our rule. Now the world will learn the ways of the First Order and adapt it in their school, life and children's family line. I say to all of you HAIL FLARE, HAIL TEAM ROCKET, HAIL TEAM AQUA, HAIL TEAM MAGMA, HAIL TEAM GALACTIC AND HAIL TEAM PLASMA." His voice rang in her head as Serena realized everything was diffrent now. She was now under the control of a evil world power planing to enslave her and innocent and pokemon to do their bidding. She fell her knees and began to weep.

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