Captured and interrogated part 1

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Serena had both hands covering her face muffling out her crying after Lysander's harsh speech over the broadcast. She had never felt so helpless in her life ash was gone, the world she once knew was taken over by mass insane leaders. She couldn't stay here she had to flee kalos and find a safe place to take refuge in. But just as she was about to move and take off she found herself surrounded by Team flare grunts. "Well well what do we have here? A lovely beautiful young girl just wandering these dangerous streets at this time of day. It seems you look more special than meets the eye" the Team Flare admen said. Serena gasped and realized she was not In a good situation, " I .... I was just wandering around to hear your leaders great speech" she lied. The admen twisted his face into a .... Was it a smile? The glasses or goggle things he wore were hiding his eyes so Serena really couldn't tell. " well if you were listening to Chief Lysander then you would have been at the rally." Serena was so now in deep water but held her ground "what's wrong can't a supporter listen to their great leader on TV?" Said Serena. "Not if the so called "supporter" was seen fighting with the kalos army" said the admen smiling more than ever now. Serena realized her cover was blown and she took a run for it. "Well don't JUST STAND THERE SNATCH HER" yelled the admen. Serena ran down the city street breathing heavily she had never ran this much in her life. She could hear the sound of running feet behind her, "ariodose use string shot" WHAP a wald of web missed her by inches. Pikachu was ready to protect her at all costs but Serena loved pikachu as much as ash. "Pikachu you got to go and run for it" pikachu looked at Serena with disagreeing eyes. "This is no time for discussion I can't risk you being captured and enslaved. Save yourself pikachu do it for ash she choked out. He would be so proud of you she whispered, I'll meet you at route 101 now go." Pikachu noded and ran to a nearby street corner and disappeared. Serena hoped he would get far, just then another wald of web hit the left side of the pavement she was running on. "Catch her you fools and don't let her escape" the admen yelled. Serena felt the air rush past her face she ran for a couple more bocks around Luminous city but then ...... WRAP too late she was bound tight with string shot. "No" Serena yelled as she struggled against the web but it was hopeless. The grunts caught up to her and started to laugh when the Team Flare admen came and looked at her. "You look more sexy wrapped in that web than most girls we've captured" he laughed. Serena gave the admen a look of "you creep" to him. just to get a laugh in return while the grunts scooped her up and gagged her. Serena was taken to a back of a truck where it contained a cell room like the ones Jessie and James and meowth used on her back in the day of her journey with ash. But this time it was totally secure and her chances of escaping were pretty slim. The grunts placed her on the floor of the cell and searched her, "mmmhhhhh mmmhhn" Serena tried to say through her gag. "You need to be quiet child or big Brody might have some fun with you" a grunt laughed. They went through Serena's pockets and removed her pokdex, poke balls and Pokémon including her picture of ash. Next they went through her bag and took all of her resources she was planning to use once she got out of the city. One grunt noticed her ribbon on her red and whit vest and removed it "MMMMMMHHHHHH MHHHHHMHHHH" Serena angrily muffled her voice. "What was that sweetie? You want this back well it looks kind of valuable I think I'll keep it." Serena began to let tears stream down her face as the grunt stared at her dumfounded. "Okay you can have it back once we get you to Tetra Headquarters" the brunt said. Serena was able to pull herserlf together after that moment of losing the best and first gift ash gave her on their journey together. Losing that ribbon would be like losing apart of her identity and ash himself. "Okay girl were going to arrive in a half in hour so stay comfey in those bonds of yours" the admen said. Serena glared at him but remained quiet how did this happen and what were they plannng to do to her. And what was Tetra headquarters?

the fallen worldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon