serena and the death soldiers

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Serena was carried in by Death guards the special forces mad by the First Order when it took shape. They were the elite of all the military places and soldiers in all the world. Serena felt the hand of a metal platted fist shove her to the floor. She felt a searing pain in her back from the impact the soldier gave her. It was already much difficult for Serena with her broken leg to move around let alone doing her routines to live. She then turned her body over staring at the black dressed uniformed Commander. He ordered his troops to secure Serena tightly in a cell so she wouldn't attempt to find ash. Just then the commander received a call from a senior officer on his radio.

Death Officer: come in roger bzzt# bzztt# what's your problem?

Senior officer: were bzzt## under orders from clemont to find and kill ash.

Death officer: bzzt# will do we have the girl locked and secure. Will be on our way to the revenue point.

Senior officer: roger roger bzzt##

Serena did not want to believe what she just heard and she didn't think ash would get that far let alone survive with all those weapons and guards searching for him. She had to escape and find ash plus pikachu, but how? Just then the door opened revealing Death soldiers carrying automatic guns. Serena tried to scramble backwards but her tied ankles wouldn't let her move that far. The soldiers came closer and grabbed her roughly by the arms. As though her ted wrist didn't hurt enough. One of the guards tried to push Serena along but she responded by kicking him in the knee cap. He yelled with fury and slapped Serena with such force across her face blood flew out of her mouth between her gag.

Death soldier: there that ought to teach you some manners before you think twice attacking a elite soldier. You are so cute and small though I don't want to hurt you before we find ash and force him to watch us beat you to death.

Serena: mphhnhnh mmmppphhhhh mmmmm
Death soldier: damn it someone remove this disgusting thing out of her mouth.

Death soldier 2: I got it josh. She sure is cute I can see why General Clemont wants her so bad. I wish I could have some alone time with her.

Serena: your all the same. Just a bunch of disgusting perverts and cruel men who like to strip their victims of hope and will. Just to watch them suffer and bleed. Your all sick

Death soldier: well boys look here we have ourselves a bitch, bitching at us.

Serena: say what you want life was grand and peaceful before you came and destroyed it. We lived in a world of pokemon where people could train, perform, battle or do whatever their dream was. But then the first order came along and took over all the region's one by one. People panicked and lost hope in the safety of our region's and started to flee away from the order as far as they could. However the nations were already conquered by the order and very little space was left for people to seek refuge. One by one the armies of kanto, hoenn, shinno, unova and here fell and retreated. It wasn't long before your forces wiped out and hinted the brave men who continued to fight. I was with ash in the army and saw your black uniforms taking out so many soldiers. Hearing the cries and ................ Screams still being chills to my spine. You made them suffer without consideration of the pain they went through.

Death soldier: ..... You really know happens with the world as it went to shit. The First Order took over cause we were the strongest and those who lost were weak. The girls we killed, the children we left abondon and the cities plus towns we conqured was all in a better future. Now your here a prisoner to stupid to realize the world's better now. When Clemont orders us to bring you to him I'll be sure to ask for a "couple of mintues" with You.

Serena: ...... your rape

Serena was terrified of this threat made by the Death soldiers. They were big and strong looking not to mention rough type. Serena was not under the impression these guys were going to be gentle with her. Between the Death Guards and Clermont getting raped by. She would take Clermont.

Serena: please....please Don..don't hurt me.

She was in no mood to be tortured more.

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