A desperate get away apart 2

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Serena and clemont walked through the streets as calmly as they could. They were trying to walk right in the center of passing guards so they wouldn't draw to much attention to themselves. Serena had to hold her breath a couple of times as she passed some patrolling Death Soldiers who where guarding a undamaged skyscraper from the war. Clemont however remained calm to the point of walking straight upwards keeping his posture steady avoiding signs of detection from former co workers he used to deal with. This was a huge part he mainly felt trying to keep Serena safe from the First Order. When they came to roadway where the cars used to drive, there was a number of barricades in the path with ....... Hell beasts. Serena almost walked right in to one causing her to stumble backwards. That's when a Death Soldier came over to investigate the situation. 

Death Soldier: Down grejia down girl! You two what are you doing here? 

Clemont: we are here by orders from the high General Rulf. He wants extra security so the city remains in order. 

Death Soldier: right then okay I want you two to take the main entrance frontier and keep it locked up. No one gets in or out without a pass from the authorities. 

Clemont: Sir yes sir Hail The First Order 

Death Soldier: Hail The First Order 

With that he moved away and went back to his post. Wiping the sweat off his forehead clemont turned to Serena who had her Hat covering her eyes. He poked her and said 

Clemomt: Now we're closer to the exit but not the one we planed. This may complicate things a bit now serena but we must stick to the plane on how we were going to escape. I'll take the guard out and give you his key, then you take the key and slide into the scanner and wait for me. 

Serena: what if this goes all wrong and were captured? I can't imagine what they would do to us. Or what if your dealing with one or more guards than you think? Say I get the Ray shield off but then you are too busy dealing with the guards. Should I go without you or wait and have the risk of getting captured and then tortured again? Either way I'm not leaving without you. 

Clemont: yes you will I can't have you suffer the wrath of the First Order a second time. I want you to get out of this horrible place with or without me. 

Serena: I'm not going without you and that's final. 

Clemont stated at Serena with the most shocked face ever. She really did have feelings for him and planned on staying with him whether it was going to mean her getting interrogated a second time. He looked at the road and its security with all the walls, Hell Beast, guards and scanners. But he knew if they wanted freedom from this life they were going to have to face this challenge. He looked back at Serena and nodded then made his way toward the guard. Serena watched as he took the guard off by surprise gutting him in the stomach and forhead quickly with his fists. He grabbed the card and three it to Serena while he his the body. She made her way to the gateway and slipped the card in the slot shutting off the Ray sheild. Clemont came running back to the entrance next to her and looked out into the world outside the city. It was so beautiful you wouldn't notice the First Order was in contrtol. The road was leading to the hills which serena and clemont remembered took them to Santalune. Or they could rebound and make their way to Courlamine or also to Camphrier. All of the sudden sirens went off sending the security systems to reboot and the guards searching for them. Serena panicky looked at Clemont and he grabbed her by the hand running down the routh toward Santalune city. 

Clemont: just stay with me serena huff## we have to get far away from this place as possible. Now I think huff## there's a nearby cave we can stay in huff## from my memory with ash on our journey. You weren't huff## with us yet by then but I saw one near the river stream in the forrest. 

Serena: huff## I hope it's still there Clemont cause I'm tired, dirty, and hungry. I need to sleep for the night and its very cold as well. 

Clemont: don't worry will be there in no time just a few more miles and I'll make us a old time meal just like in the old days. 

Serena was thrilled to hear she was going t to have a real meal after so long. She would hardly wait to eat and clean herself from the debree of the city rubble. 

the fallen worldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang