A desperate get away part 1

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Night had fallen on the city of Luminous were the lights of the First Order brought a glaring shine into the night sky making everything visible. This was a huge problem for Clemont and Serena trying to use the cover of darkness as a get away plan. Guards patrolled the streets making it even more difficult to escape the sight of the First Order. Clemont looked at the guards to the lights shinning all around the city. He looked at Serena and said

Clemont: serena this changes everything now since we can't use the dark as our cover. We're left with only one option and that's to use one of their uniforms as a disguise so we won't be recognized. 

Serena looked at Clemont worried about his mental state with the First Order having the memories of him. 

Serena: Clemont what ........ what if you go nuts in front of everyone and our cover is blown. And it's not just that what if you can't handle the memories of being part of that horrible Empire. I care deeply about you and don't want you to lose your sanity from the past horrors you committed. 

Clemont: I'll be fine Serena if I keep my head in check and have you close to me nothing will happen. You just need to keep reminding me of who I really am and what I used to do when I was a kid. No guards will recognize me if we keep our faces hidden underneath their First Order General Hat's. Just keep an eye out for Hell Beast so we any be scented by them. I'll make sure will keep a safe distance from them. Serena we Will escape and then we can start a new life. 

Serena looked at him and gave him a smile and blushed a bit at his handsome face. He was so strong and strong willed. Refused to fight ash, changed his side to awaken himself and now was trying to leave the First Order permanently. She wanted to find a place where they could settle and live a good life in peace away from the horror. 

Serena: I trust you Clemont and your plan to escape. Whatever you say to keep us safe ill do it for the sake of the future. 

Clemont: thank you again serena im happy you are able to understand the situation we would be in if we tried to use the darkness. Now see those two elite Death Guards over there? We need to sway them this way so we can knock them out and put on their uniforms. Also we need to hide there bodies as well. 

Serena shivered at the sight of the guards remembering the ones she was held by. They were truly cruel, and evil. Brainwashed by the First Order to do their bidding without question and mercy. 

Serena: okay but I'm not fund of those death soldiers. They well ....... are very unpleasant to be around and bring the sense of death in the picture. Please may you attack them so I don't have to see them again. I am very frightened of their methods and ways they use on people. I know your a hundred times stronger than them but I just don't  want to be around them. 

Clemont looked at Serena smiled and said 

Clemont: of course Serena ill not force you to face them again. It was my fault in the first place that you were with these guys. All I want is for you to feel safe and be happy. 

Serena: thank you clemont I will owe you for this 

Clermont: you owe me nothing I am the one who captured, tortured, enslaved, beat, and raped you. If there's anyone who owes somebody something  its me. I owe you a lot of debt to say I'm sorry.

Serena: clemont ... Your so thoughtful and cute. (Giggles) 

Clemont smiled at her then made his way to the guards standing at the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. He punched the First one on the head and then kneed the other in the side of the face. Both were shocked and taken off guard by the sudden movements Clemont made. He dragged their bodies into a nearby abandoned store and locked them in thed old food cellar. Serena watched as he came out with both of the uniforms in his hands. He and her both looked at each other and blushed. They had to change  into the uniforms, but they were trying to forget the rape incident. It was not like they hadent seen each other naked before but it was important Clemont started to do things the  right way. 

Clemomt: ummm yeah I'll go over here in this part of the old abandoned cafe and change while you take that parlor. 

Serena: (red in the face) yes good idea I'll be back and Clemont ........ Be safe 

Clemont: I will i promise ill meet you back here 

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