The dinning of memories part 2

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(Flash back) October 18, 2013 

Ash and his mom had been with Serena and her mom for nearly a year. They moved back during the summer when Team rocket started to push into United Region territory. The army was suffering heavy casualties and the gym leaders were falling pretty quickly. Serena had received a call from ash asking for a place to stay, of course Serena took his plea into action. She had asked her mom and she fully agreed to the desperate family. Serena was excited and nervous because she had strong feelings for ash and the fact he called her. Not misty, may, dawn or Irish. When the evacuating kanto planes arrived ash and his mom had gotten off the 1-2 plane to greet Serena and her mother. Serena of course ran to ash and hugged him not noticing the smirks from both of their parents as they embraced one another. She had them stay in nice rooms and made sure they were happy. Then news spread the forces of Aqua and magma joined with Team rocket  soon to be untied with Plasma. This caused fear in Serena cause she was afraid that Kalos would not be safe anymore, especially with Team Flare at risk. 

Serena: hey ash?

Ash: what is it Serena?

Serena: do you think the First order will be defeated and things will go back to the way they used to be? 

Ash: I'm sure they will and things can't be like this forever. Even all things must come to a end including bad times.

Serena: (blushing) you still got that positive vibe and personality that makes you  who you are. 

Ash: really?

Serena: mm hmm back on our journey together I used to and still do watch your training sessions and learn from your strategies you always have this energy that's so inspiring.

Ash: Serena your just as inspiring as me you are always ready for your next performance and always stay on track. Remember that time you lost your first and changed your look? I thought I was looking at a whole new person.  

Serena: (blushing) wow thank ash I'm very happy you liked my change and restyle of performing. 

Serena and ash sat there on her moms porch at night looking at the stars. She couldn't help but keep glancing at ash for his true nature and personality. (I love him she thought) but she didn't say anything fearing rejection. Serena touched her short cut hair and started to imagine what her and Ash's future would be like in a couple of years. Then ash got up and made his way toward the door. 

Ash: come on Serena let's go to bed 

Serena: right I'm tired from today and I got train tomorrow

(Time skip) November 14, 2013 

The flare confederacy took over half of kalos by a land mass. The troops caught of guard by the Dial monitor. News began to spread about it power and mass destruction. Serena and her mom including ash and his left their home and went to join the retreating civilians in the region to luminous City. The place was in some parts still in good shape bit the bombing from Galactica's aid to Team Flare has severely damaged the city. Serena and ash including their parents went into the underground subway to take refuge, there many people where hiding from the advancing First Order hoping the tide of the war would change. But that was only a delusion by the Christmas season hit Team Flare was releasing mass gas weaponry on the United Region forces. Many troops returned with severe injuries and others died from mass burns and other health issues caused by the gas. Serena and ash were so determined not to give up that they told their parents they were joining the United Region forces. They were totally against their idea at first but as the war progressed they knew the situation was becoming zier. So after a nice dinner and a farewell from their moms ash and Serena took off for the from front lines to enlist in the army. 

December 11, 2013 Front lines of luminous City planes 

Sargent: name and age? 

Serena: Serena sir and I'm 14 years old sir 

Ash: ash Sir and age 17 sir 

Sargent: we'll you two welcome to the Untied Region Forces let's hope to victory and end this blasted war. This may be our last chance to topple the The First Order empire. 

Months of training passed for both ash and Serena, each went through hard training and pokemon self control. This was to strengthen the  between you and your pokemon but the methods were brutal. Ash had been in a number of occasions to speak out against the training but he received several extra laps or pushups for his argument. Finally they were sent to the front lines and given orders to fight off the advancing Team Flare troops. 

October 1, 2014  trenches I'm the Snow bell city mountains 

Serena: ash remember when we were here on our journey? It was beautiful and peaceful but now its a war zone and dangerous. 

Ash: Serena I do it breaks my heart to see the things we once knew are being destroyed. Man i wish the war would end in a truce Serena then no more side would have to suffer anymore death. 

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