Is It Wrong?

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"Ow!" I shouted as I was kicked again with his steel toe boots.
"Shut up!!!" Felix Screams at me, kicking me in the chest again.

He was really mad at me this time. We were out at a shop, buying me a new shock collar to replace the old one which I broke (He beat me for that as well), and Felix caught me staring at another boy,  and he was furious.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a sharp pain in my ribs followed by a small cracking sound, which caused me to scream.

"Don't you ever look at ANYONE else like that again! Got it, slut?" He growled.
"Y-yes si-r," I whimpered out with what little strength I had left.
"Good, now get up," He said.

I tried to get up, but was so weakened by the abuse that I couldn't, and when I failed to sit up, I was met with his boot to my side.

"I said get up, slut!" He shouted, and I Flinched.

I slowly sat up, my arms wobbling as I felt as if they would give out at any moment. Thankfully, I was able to get to my feet, barely able to balance as I leaned against the back of the couch.

"Now get out of this house," He spoke calmly.
"B-but sir," I started, seeing that it was pouring down rain outside.
"Get out! And be back here by tomorrow morning or I'll beat you till you can't get up!" Felix shouted, and I ran out the door, stumbling.

I wasn't sure where to go, so I shakily ran to my best friend Mark's house. I knocked on the door, and at first I thought I was too weakened to have been able to gain his attention, but then the door swung open.

"Oh my god, Jack!" He said, covering his mouth in surprise as he saw the bruises on my face. "Cmon inside," He said, leading my into his house.
"Th-thank you," I mumbled weakly.
"You poor thing, cmon upstairs, I'll get you some dry clothes," He said, walking upstairs.

I tried to follow him, but fell to my knees, too weak to stand anymore, either from the beating I'd just received or from having been denied food for the passed few days.

"Jack!" He called, walking back downstairs. "You poor thing, here," He said, lifting me up and carrying me upstairs. "You're gonna be okay, bud, you're gonna be okay,"

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