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Mark's POV

I heard a loud thud from outside and ran downstairs to see what happened. I opened the front door to see Jack lying on the porch, unconscious. I gasped at his horrible condition.

Poor Jack had no shirt on, and he was covered in more bruises and cuts, the bandages he'd gotten at the hospital were torn off, and he had "I will come home on time" carved into his back. He was still bleeding badly, so I carefully tried to pick him up so I could bring him inside and help him.

The moment I put my hand on his bare back to pick him up, he let out a quiet, pained Whimper that made my heart break. How could anyone do this to such a poor, innocent soul?!

I carried him inside and laid him down on the couch, running upstairs to grab the first aid kit. When I came back downstairs, Jack was awake.

Jack's POV

I woke up on Mark's couch, and my whole body was aching. Mark walked over with a first aid kit and sat down next to me.

"Good, you're awake, this will make this a lot easier," He said, "turn your back toward me, Jack,"

I did as I was told, and I felt a paper towel with some sort of cold liquid on it. My immediate thought was that it was the special medicine Mark used before he bandaged up my cuts. I whimpered and squirmed a bit at the contact as it stung and reignited the pain in the cuts.

"O-ow! Markyyy," I whined.
"Hold still, bud," Mark said calmly.
"But it hurts Marky," I whimpered.
"I know, but it's gonna make you feel a lot better," He said.

I tried to keep still, but it hurt too much, and my squirming got to the point that Mark had to use his free arm to hold me still. After he'd finished cleaning my cuts, he carefully bandaged them.

"I'm not letting you go back to Felix's house," Mark said as he wrapped the bandages around my whole torso.
"B-but Mark," I started.
"No buts," He said.
"But he'll find me," I said, beginning to get scared.
"Don't worry buddy," He said, finishing up wrapping my cuts.
"I'm scared," I said.
"I'll protect you,"

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