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The week passed as usual. Jay would pick her up ,drop her to the workshop and then go to his cabin to work .He would never come to her cabin or ask her about her progess. Strangely she missed him. In the evenings he would drop her to her cottage . He didn't invite her for dinner anymore. Infact sometime's she felt that maybe he repented the kiss.

In the evenings he would go out for dinner. There was always a beautiful lady to accompany him. On Saturday morning when he picked her up he reminded her of his invitation to dinner. Cia had simply forgotten.

"Are you backing out from your invitation or you simply don't enjoy my company?"

"No, Jay I simply believed that you had forgotten the invitation."

"I never forget my commitments but since you are working today we can shift today's dinner to tomorrows lunch or dinner if you are not busy tomorrow."

"Tomorrow dinner will be fine. I will get time to prepare a proper Pahari dinner for you. Are you a vegetarian or a non vegetarian?"

"I am fond of non vegetarian food but vegetarian dishes will also do. So, what time should I come at your place? I can come in the morning to help you do some grocery shopping."

"Jay dixit CEO of AJ Creations will go grocery shopping. This is a iconic moment. I believe this will completely ruin your reputation."

"Cia what sort of person do you think I am? I tend to live a simple life enjoying life to the fullest. You should not believe what you read in those rubbish tabloids."

"I don't believe on tabloids. I believe whatever I see with my own eyes. You have been quite busy the past week and that to with beautiful women. Though it is none of my business."

"Are you jealous Cia? Would you want to take their place? I don't mind if you join me for dinner since I enjoy the company of pretty women."

"Why would I be jealous? I told you I am here to prove myself not to romance anyone."

Before Jay could react they had reached the design studio. It was a full day for Cia as she was to finalize her sketches today. After the designs were finalized then they would decide on the colour and the fabrics.

Mrs Kalpana entered at 4 pm carrying lunch. "My dear you work too hard. At your age I was double your size and enjoying life not working like a slave Stop everything I have prepared aloo paranthas and mixed raita. Finish your lunch and then resume your work."

"Mrs Kalpana I have to finish these sketches today and if possible get then approved by Jay so that we can start working on the samples from Monday."

Sahil knocked and entered. "May I take some precious minutes of your time Cia, our new about to be famous designer?" Cia blushed ,"Sahil sir, you are too much. In front of such top designers I am just an amateur . I have yet to prove myself worthy of AJ Creations I know I have a lot to learn but I am lucky to have designers like you in my vicinity. Let me show you some of my designs. I would like your opinion on one or two sketches."

"See this salwar kameez sir. I am not sure if the buttons will do or I need to add embroidery to complete the modern look. And in this second design I am planning for a short knee length dress or do you think it should be ankle length?"

"If I help you what do I get in return? "

"For your expert opinion whatever sir."

"A cup of coffee with a lovely lady on Monday evening after the designs are approved."

"Ok done sir."

"Well according to me buttons suit the first design and the dress should be knee length as it will give it a casual look. Ankle length is meant for parties. Let me take a leave I am adding finishing touches to another creation of mine. Tell you what you can come and see the final product on Monday and then we can go and have that cup of coffee."

HIS INNOCENT DESIGNERWhere stories live. Discover now