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These last fourteen days had been horrible for Cia. Though Jay had been very rude with her still she missed him. Every morning her eyes would search for Jay.

No one in their company knew when they were coming back. The exhibition was to last for ten days but already fourteen days had passed and there was no sign of their coming back to India yet.

Deep inside her heart also grew a fear that Veronica would try her level best to win Jay. She also knew that Veronica with her killer looks could easily persuade Jay to be a part of her life especially when she was hell bent upon doing so.

She was not able to concentrate on her work as her mind was full of thoughts of Jay.

Everyday Veronica would intentionally send photographs showing her sitting near to Jay or leaning on to him pre informing the staff that she was an important part of Jay's life now.

Cia loved Jay and she missed him physically as well. She had never thought that she was a physical person but she missed his kisses. Her body ached for him.

She would dream erotic dreams about him, dreams in which they would be sleeping together, dreams in which they would be kissing passionately.

She would wake up in the middle of the night realizing that she was having one of those dreams.

She no longer had an appetite for food so the once curvaceous Cia had now become much toned down. All this was taking a toll on her health.

Sahil had wanted to talk to Cia for a longtime so he invited himself to her place for dinner that day.

"Cia what is wrong with you? There is something eating you. Tell me I might be of some help."

"Sahil no one can help me. I have brought this situation on myself. This is just a phase of my life and it will pass away."

" Look at you. You have become so pale. There are dark circles under your eyes. If I am not wrong something happened between you and Jay?"

"No, there is nothing wrong."

"Cia you can trust me .I am your friend and I have come to care about you as my younger sister."

"Sahil I think I am in love with Jay." Saying this she broke down. She kept on crying for some time.

When she stopped crying Sahil hugged her, "Cia there is nothing wrong in loving anyone. In fact love is such a pure emotion. Jay is lucky to have someone like you who is such an unselfish and generous person."

"But Jay does not love me. Infact he thinks I deceived him ."

"But why would he think that?"

"Actually when Jay came to Nahan he met my fiancée, Akash"

"Cia you are engaged?"

" Yes I am engaged To Akash. I have known him since my childhood days. Our fathers were best friends so at an early age it was decided that when we grew up we would get married. Akash is a very nice person but I don't love him. He is a good friend but nothing more. This time when I went home at Diwali I broke my engagement but Akash is not ready to accept my decision. When Jay reached Nahan he saw us kissing. I was not kissing Akash , it was the other way around. He was trying to convince me that we would be good together. I tried to explain to Jay but he was not ready to listen to me. Since then he has not spoken to me properly. I don't know what to do."

"This is a very complex situation. Since I know Jay's history I don't think he will believe you."

"What happened in Jay's past to make him so distrustful?"

"Jay's parents had a love marriage. Both Deepak and Bhawna were teen sweethearts who belonged to good families.. His mother was the only daughter of a rich landlord while his father was a well known trader though not as rich as his wife. Both families knew each other and approved of the match. Eventually they got married . After two years of marriage they had Jay. All was well for the next ten years.

After ten years Bhawna fell ill. She would forget little things initially but the problem aggravated and sometimes she would fail to recognize Deepak as well. The doctors diagnosis was Alzheimers . Thats when they decided to keep a nurse for her look after.

Then entered Kavya , Vijay's mother. Initially she was hired as a nurse. But she would sometimes look after Jay as well and even the household chores. She was a shrewd woman. She was fifteen years younger and quite beautiful. She took advantage of the situation .

Bhawna's condition deteriorated and she become fully dependent on Kavya. Now Kavya also became the official housekeeper, looking after the house and supervising the servants. She would even look after young Jay. She would get him ready to school, look after his meals and studies. Seeing this Deepak gradually became friends with her. The trap had been set. Gradually she started looking after Deepak as well.

Then one day when the doctors said that Bhawna would never recover and Deepak was in a depressed state , highly drunk ,she seduced him. After a month she informed him that she was pregnant. She said her brothers would kill her if they came to know that she was going to have the baby of a married man.

They would force her for an abortion but she could not take a life. She stated that she could never take Bhawna's place , she would always be her younger sister . She already loved Jay as if he were her own son. She had cunningly convinced Jay also that she was a good mother for him. So, Jay also pleaded her case and convinced Deepak to marry her.

After marriage emerged her true colours. She never looked after Bhawna or Jay. She always spent time on kitty parties and social functions. Whenever Jay would go to her she would rebuke him and send him away.

Once or twice when Jay tried to complain to his father she convinced Deepak she was pregnant so she had mood swings and Jay unnecessarily harassed her. She also convinced Deepak to shift Bhawna from the mansion to the cottage stating that it would be better for Bhawna as she would get lost in a big house.

Deepak now was a changed person who never went to visit Bhawna who stayed at a separate cottage near the mansion. He was besotted with his new wife fulfilling her wishes all the time. When his step brother Vijay was born, a lavish party was given. But even in the party Jay was not given a new dress to wear. When he complained to his father, his stepmother Kavya intervened and asked him to go to sleep as he was too young to go to parties.

Crying Jay went to his mother, who by now was even unable to recognize her son. He cried bit there was no one to console him. That night Bhawna's condition deteriorated but when Jay went to meet his father Kavya refused to let him meet Deepak saying he was busy with the guests and his new born son.

That night Bhawna breathed her last. Jay was alone with her in the cottage."

"So, now I hope you realize why Jay doesn't trust anyone especially women."

Cia was shocked to hear this truth of Jay's family. She had always assumed that being rich Jay would have had a wonderful childhood.

"Sahil, thanks for being there for me . You have given me an insight into Jay's childhood. At least now I won't blame him for anything."

Sahil left after dinner and Cia went to sleep thinking of Jay.

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