chapter two

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the next day at school rachel is avoiding fin and she keeps hearing sebastian's words over and over again in her mind.

having forgotton her book for second period rachel heads to her locker only to find fin stood there waiting for her.

" hey are you pissed at me or something usually you talk your head off to me" fin asked

" yes i am mad at you " rachel said

" why" fin asked

" if you dont even know what you did there isnt any point in talking about it" rachel said

" come on rach tell me" fin said

" fine if i have to spell it out yesterday quinn called me rupaul and you laughed" rachel said

" she calls you things all the time" fin said

" yes she does because you never defend me" rachel said

" rach she was just joking" fin said

" well it hurts me if you cared for me you would know that and stop her but you never do that. your not tbe guy i thought you were i dont think we should be together anymore. now i have to get to class goodbye fin" rachel said walking off.


as rachel waited in line to be served quinn started walking lver in her direction

" hello man hands thanks for realising fin is far to good for you now he can put this bizarre chapter behind him and be with me" quinn said

" i hope you guys do get back together because i meannthis with all of my heart you two deserve each other" rachel said

" we do" quinn said

" nobody else can tolerate either of you fin js the least supportive boyfriend and your the most selfish stuck up girl and i wouldnt wish either of you on anyone. " rachel said quinn rolled her eyes and walked away rachel while feeling emotional at breaking up with fin she also felt free the stress of worrying that he might go back to quinn had been exhausting now she could focus on broadway.

home time

"so i hear you and fin broke up" puck said

" how do you know that noah" rachel asked as she stood by her locker

" its a thing a guy like me tends to know" he said

" he never stuck up for me" rachel said

" i know but i do your one seriously hot looking little jew" noah said

" thank you" rachel said

" well I got get going due to the terms of my probation i have to be home straight from school but if ever you wanna make him jealous you just let me know. after all we a good looking jews its natural " puck said

" thank you noah" rachel said he had managed toput a smile on her face as she walkedout of mckinley.

rachel headed to the lima bean to grab a coffee as her dads were out tonight she thought a nice coffee then a quiet night at home to help heal her heart.

as rachel was getting out of her car at the lima bean she felt a presence behind her she hoped it wasnt fin she doubted it would be he hated coffee.

" well if it isnt my very own streisand " the voice said

"what do you mean your very own" rachel said turning to look at him

" well i would rather watch you than her" sebastian said

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