chapter eight

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as they were seated at the table in the restaurant sebastian had rather a smug look on his face rachel noticed as she sat down.

" can i get you any drinks" the waiter asked

" water please" rachel said

" just bring a jug" sebastian said and the waiter left them.

" so rachel you want to get to know me so i will tell you about me" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said

" as you know im the oldest of three children and the best looking i might add it is my intention to follow my fathers footsteps in law. my fravorite colour is navy blue im six foot two i love animals im great with kids and love superheroes" sebastian said

" superheroes " rachel asked

" yes dont knownif you have ever watched the flash but the guy looks like me though he doesnt hqve my bone structure i think i am hotter" sebastian said

" i havent seen it" rachel said

" ah and another thing i think will surprise you my middle name is james and your middle name is barbra and barbra streisand husband is called james if that isnt a sign i dont know what is" sebastian said as the waiter ruterned with their water sebastian suprised by speaking in french to the waiter who nodded and left the table.

" dont worry just a little something extra shall study the menu" sebastian said rachel opened her menu

" do you like seafood" sebastian asked

" i love seafood" rachel said

" shall we share a platter to start with then" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said

after looking at the menu for her main course the waiter returned with a plate of oysters and took their orders.

" have you ever had one before" sebastian asked

" no" rachel said

" well just hold it tilt it and let it slide down your throat i know people are put of by i but i think they are nice." sebastian said rachel picked one up and was surprised at the intensity thst sebastian was watching her as she swallowed the oyster.

" well done you didnt choke i did the first time" sebastian said

" i dont have a gag reflex" rachel said without thinking

" oh well that's good to know for future reference " sebastian said rachel went bright red

the waiter brought their seafood platter and rachel focused on that as she was still embarrassed

" ladies first" sebastian said and she picked up a prawn

" so your planning to go to nyada" sebastian said

" yes" rachel said

" i understand kurt is hoping to get in also" sebastian asked

" yes we hope we can get a place together " rachel said

" that will be interesting when im visiting wont it" sebastian said

" what is the isdue with you and kurt i know you have been nasty to the glee club but it seems personal between you" rachel asked

" kurt thought i was gay blaine came to dalton to give the warblers tickets to westside story which i might add was the first time i set eyes on you. anyway after that i was at the lima bean and ran into blaine and he hadnt long sonce transferred to mckinley and i had just started at dalton so se got to talking about adjusting to life at new schools and ended sitting down and chatting kurt walked in just assumed i was after blaine. i been of a rather playful nature decided to annoy him alittle" sebastian said

" he thought you were gay " rachel said

" yes i think its because im so goodlooking" sebastian said

" kurt can be to much at times" rachel admitted

" why are you friends with him then" sebastian asked

" because he was the first real friend i had" rachel said

" yes i guess been broadway bound isnt the normal thing is it some people just dont get it" sebastian said

" no they dont" rachel said as their main courses arrived

" so i have decided on what we shall bedoing on monday" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said

" yes and im not telling you " sebastian said

" then why mention it" rachel asked

" i like been mysterious " sebastian said

" your something else you know that." rachel said

" oh i know" sebastian said

" anyway your forgetting i havent agreed to monday" rachel said

" you didnt agree to tonight but here you are" sebastian said

"yes but i knew if i cancelled you would turn up anyway" rachel said

" true but for what its worth it means alot to me that you didnt" sebastian said

" the food is lovely " rachel said  feeling shy and not wanting an awkward silence to develop.

" well i know the keybto a successful date is food as tasty as i am" sebastian said

" you dont stop do you" rachel said

" no not really though there is one way to shut me up" sebastian said

" do i even want to know what that is" rachel asked expecting a witty comment

" the only you will ever shut me up is by kissing me" sebastian said as the waiter cleared their table.

" would you like to see the desert menu" the waiter asked

" yes please" sebastian said

a few minutes later they had ordered desert

" so miss berry have i surprised you this eveing" sebastian asked

" actually you have been pretty much how i expected you to be" rachel said

" good good" sebastian said as their creme brules arrived

once desert was finished sebastian asked for the bill flatly refused rachel's offer to split it and after he had paid they left the restaurant and headed to his car.

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