chapter three

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rachel is stood in the lima bean with mercedes who is looking gobsmacked at sebastian smythe rachel doesnt know what to say.

" so firstly may i get you two ladies a drink" sebastian asked as both girls were not saying anything

" non fat mocha" mercedes said

" broadway " he said

" non fat soy latte" rachel said

" why dont you get us a table " sebastian said the two girls walked over to the other side of the shop so rachel didnt have to see quinn and fin.

" god i hope he isnt going to pour them over our heads " mercedes said

" here you go" sebastian said arriving with their drinks and one for himself

" so what you two up to this evening" sebastian asked

" im helping her with a song choice" rachel said

" i see what kind of song are you looking for" sebastian asked

" i want a song that describes me" mercedes said

" why dont you write your own then no song will describe you better than you  can" sebastian said

" i have never wrote a song before" mercedes said

" i have and im sure rachel has" sebastian said

" wait you write songs what are the names  of the songs how to be a blackmailer " mercedes said

" very funny " sebastian said

" do you write songs" mercedes asked rachel

" yes" rachel said

" we should write one together" sebastian said

" wait you mean you guys will write a song for me" mercedes asked

" that too" sebastian said

" i dont think its a good idea" rachel said

" yes it is think about it you will be spending the evening with me how great is that you lucky thing" sebastian said rachel and mercedes looked at each other.

" rach i think its worth a shot" mercedes said

" listen to your friend " sebastian said looking at rachel

" right then its settle lets go to dalton" sebastian said

" what" rachel asked

" we can use the music room as captain of the warblers i have unlimited access to it we could order pizza make an evening of it" sebastian said

" rach" mercedes pleaded

" fine one time wont hurt" rachel said

" great its a date " sebastian said standing up

" no it isnt" rachel said

" i aint no third wheel" mercedes said

"right then im gonna head to dalton get things ready you two come when your ready " sebastian said before he left.

" he is a strange one" mercedes said

" i guess" rachel said

" its weird sometimes i want to slap him other times im like damn that boy is fine" mercedes said

" i guess he didnt seem to bad then" rachel said

" rach i think we need to have girl talk" mercedes said

" relax im not going to date him" rachel said

" look i know he has done some bad things in the past but i saw the way he was looking at you he seems pretty smitten to me" mercedes said

" even if he is it doesnt mean that im ready" rachel said

" rach you have wasted eight months on fin he was always going to go back to her quinn has her claws too deep into him for him not too. dont waste anymore time on him. now im not saying date the slushie tossing warbler but like i said he seems to genuinely like you im just saying dont rule him out because of mistakes he has made." mercedes said

" you have changed your tune" rachel said

" i know but like i said i was watching him watching you he never took his eyes off you plus his expression as he walked up behind you he was happy to see you" mercedes said

" we best get going" rachel said

" okay am i the only one excited at the idea of going to dalton all those blazers" mercedes said

" didnt think blazers were your thing" rachel said

" oh honey anything with a tight little tush is my thing" mercedes said and rachel giggled as they left the lima bean.

as rachel drove in her car she couldnt actually believe she was going to dalton but as she drove she recalled the last time she was there. it was during michael week and sebastian had told them they couldnt do micheal as the warblers were.  she santana artie blaine and kurt had all gone to confront sebastian at dalton inly as they arrived the warbler were rehearsing i want you back. sebastian had kind of flirted wih you but at the time she hadnt really caught on because kurt thought sebastian was gay. so she had just thought it part of his showing off now she wondered if there was more too it. as she was stuck at some traffic lights near dlton mercedes in her car behind her rachel realised while sebastian had insulted almost everyone of the new directions he had never insulted her never given her an insulting nickname he had called her young barbra streisand or broadway which was how rachel saw herself and wasnt offended.

five minutes later rachel was  parked up in the parking lot at dalton and mercedes was walking over to her.

" come onnthen girl lets get in there and right me a classic " mercedes said linking rachels arm the two girls walked into dalton.

hi guys hopefully next chapter tomorrow

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